Troubled Mind

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My friend Roman-Olmen-Dess drew this
Jack looked around the dark area for Marvin and Jackie, its literally so dark he could barely see his hands. He tripped on something falling face first into the pitch black ground "ow jesus!" Jack sat up rubbing his face then felt around for the thing he tripped on, it was a body. Jack helped the body up "nn.." the body made a noise "hey you ok?" Jack asked in a worried tone "m-marvin..something got him.." Jackie collapsed on Jack "i couldn' him.." Jack quickly picked up Jackie and sped walked to where the light and chair was, he's not running with a body in his hands and falling hurting both of them. Once they got into the light Jack saw claw marks around his body, bleeding profusely, his mask was ripped and many areas of his suit was torn. "Guys!" Jack called to Henrik, Chase, and Jameson, they all turned around, as soon as Henrick saw Jackie he quickly went over and took Jackie away from Jack putting him on the floor. He saw that Jackie still had his medical bag and went through everything before starting to work on Jackie, everyone watched nervously except for Jameson. He stared into the darkness, seeing something that no one else could, a glowing green eye and a wicked smile, he glared at the figure and felt a cold shiver go down his back and vision fogging but shakes head and watches schneep work on Jackie.

"Well what do we have here, a doctor trying to fix you I see" that bastard said that Jackie knows too well.

"What do you want, just let him do his job." Jackie clenched his hands into fists ready to hit the grinch knock off.

"Aww but thats no fun, what if I this" Anti hit Jackie right in the chest knocking the wind out of him.

Jackie felt stinging and large amounts of pain coming and going but never dying down, Jackie gripped his chest groaning in pain then looks down seeing his chest glitch all over the place. "What did you do to me!?" Jackie yelled angrily "don't worry it'll leave, sooner or later" The glitch laughs maniacally and disappears.

Henrik finished and sighs watching Jackie, Jameson somehow made a clean hankercheif appear and gives it to Henrik. "How did yoy get zhis?" Henrik asked but wipes the sweat off his forehead with it anyways, Jameson shrugged and looked at Jack. Jack was just staring at him, which made him uncomfortable "didn't we want to get answers out of him?" Jack asked pointing a finger at Jameson. Henrik shrugged "Marvin vanted to get answers from him, I'm starting to zhink he isn't such a bad guy" Jack narrowed his eyes at Jameson. "Jack calm down zhe guy can't even talk, he's trapped in zhis vorld just like us, and Marvin is missing, accusations isn't going to solve anyzhing." Jack sighed "sorry, just on edge" Henrik nodded and looks at Chase "you've been awfully quiet" Henrik said. Chase shrugged and readjusts his hat, "everything was just so sudden that I don't even have words" Jameson nodded patting Chase's back. Jack smiles and looks at Jackie and remembers what he said dropping the smile "before I brought him here he said that something took Marvin and that he couldn't save him" "sabotage?" Chase asked and Jameson tilted his head, Henrik nodded "most likely" Jameson fiddled with his pocket watch. Chase looks at Jameson then the others, "whats happening?" Jack asked "Dapper's anxious" "and how do you know zhat?" Chase shrugged and takes Jameson's hat ruffling his hair. "Fazherly senses?" Chase nodded and puts Jameson's hat back on his head "should we wait until Jackie wakes up so we can know what exactly is going on?" Chase asked and everyone nods doing their own thing. Henrik stayed checking on Jackie, Jack sat on the chair watching everyone, and Chase was with Jameson talking about his sick trickshots and how he eats only the finest of tea bags, which started worrying Jameson as to why Chase was eating teabags. "Don't worry I did research it won't harm me" Henrik overheard and scoffed at that "yea, but it could clog your intestines or hurt your stomach acid zhen get a bunch of food stuck in zhere causing some types of diseases and infectio-" "O K I G E T I T" Henrik laughed and continues watching Jackie.

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