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Henrik sat here for what seemed like hours teaching Jameson how to use sign language, he wasn't complaining though, it kind of helped Henrik calm down after the whole incident.

Once they where done and hoping that Jameson will remember all of it, Jameson hugged Henrik as a thank you, and Henrik, being the dense mother fucker he is, just patted Jameson's back but secretly loved the hug.

Jameson let go and ran to Jackie, Jackie watched the dapper man in curiousity.

Jameson raised his hands and put them together placing the back of his right hand to his cheek.


Jackie asked confused, Jameson nodded and pointed to Jackie.

"Oh, have I slept, I dunno I'm not really tired, gotta stay awake and fight Anti if he shows up anyway."

Jameson nodded and looked at Chase and Marvin, then at Jack and Henrik, and back at Jackie.

"You should go bug someone else, i'm not meaning that your annoying! I don't want to talk to anyone right now."

Jameson nodded and went to the center of the room, he looked at the other egos and sighed, he felt terrible, but you will never know yet, haha fouth wall break.

Anyways, Jameson went over to the still unconscious Marvin and poked his cheek.


Jameson poked Marvin again.


"Vhat zhe heck are you doing?"

Jameson looked at Henrik and shrugged, Marvin slowly sat up, still only being able to see the exceedingly green glowing eye, Marvin looked at Jameson.

Jameson turned back to Marvin, only to be grabbed by the throat with one hand, Jameson gasped for air trying to breathe scratching at Marvin's arm, but no gasps where heard.

Henrik was watching though, he saw it all unfold right infront of his beedy little doctor eyes, he lunged at Marvin pushing him practically forgetting that Marvin had a tight grip on Jameson and threw him down with him.

Jackie ran over and grabbed Jameson's arm kicking Marvin in the side while Henrik grabbed Marvin and yanked him off Jameson.

Marvin threw Henrik off and stood lunging at Jackie punching him over and over again. Chase woke up and looked over the commotion deciding to push Marvin off and helped up Jackie.

Henrik's eyes darted around and landed on a random syringe with green liquid in it, he sure as hell knew it wasn't there before and if he used it the results probably wouldn't end up well, but to him there really wasn't a option. He quickly grabbed the syringe and ran straight foe marvin, he didn't really have a plan.

Marvin swiftly turned to Henrik and disappeared with a small puff of green smoke, leaving Henrik dumbfounded, but ended up getting hit over the head.

Henrik stumbled a bit and turned around looking at Marvin, Jackie and Chase held Marvin in place while Jack walked over.

"Could have a little sooner."

Henrik huffed looking at Jack then looked back at Marvin.

"Do ye even know what's in that syringe?"

Jack says pointing at the syringe, Henrik was watching Marvin with a irate glint in his eyes.

"Nein, but ve vill find out."

Henrik quickly jabbed the syringe into Marvins arm, but Marvin let him do it, he could have just disappeared but he didn't, it was almost as it he wanted him to do it.

Jack slightly jumped at the immediate action.

"Dude! Why the fuck-"

Marvin let his head hang, almost as if limp, Jackie and Chase let go letting Marvin fall to his knees.

"Phew-wait you didn't know what that was!?"

Chase said worried, Henrik nodded and looked at the now empty syringe.

"Not cool, what if that was poison or something"

Jackie said crossing his arms. Jameson shakily got up rubbing his neck, then looked at Marvin silently huffing, his eyes devoid of emotion. He cracked his neck and looked at his pocket watch, the others where too busy argueing over the syringe.

Jameson could care less about what the others where doing or what was happening, Jameson sighed running a hand through his hair and putting the pocket watch back into his pocket, decididing it wasn't the right time.


Not yet..

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