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Anti sat in his area full of black watching his puppets, but mostly watching Jack. Anti is known as the villain, always has been the bad guy. Anti angrily swatted the screen away hugging his knees to his chest, it was silent..he hated it.

Him and the egos where close, they where all good friends, brothers..until Jack came, or thats how Anti sees it.

Jack took-no, stole Anti's friends, brothers. He wasn't going to let Jack..impersonate him, he's the imposter. Anti gripped his head in frustration as the voices kept coming and coming, ones telling him to kill them all, they are just his puppets.

The word makes Anti think, if they are his puppets and he's the puppet master..why not fuck up Jack's life just like he fucked up his. Anti let out a high pitch giggle before opening up a screen to watch his puppets again, snarling everytime he saw Jack.

"I'm tired of lies." Anti stared directly into Jack's eyes hoping to find the answer to his questions, but he just sighs looking away thinking.

"I could call my chemical romance wouldn't help me" Anti shrugged and looks at Henrik mumbling "how are you untouched Henrik? Well I guess we will have to fix that sooner or later, I'll leave you guys be for now.."

Anti was speaking to no one in particular, he watched as Henrik finish everything up with Marvin and went to check on the other while Chase fell back asleep.

"Ve have to figure out how to find Anti, he couldn't just disappear like that" Henrik said specifically to Jack.

"Yea I know but can't we not think about that right now? Everything is moving so quickly and i'm trying to process everything" Jack perturbed while rubbing his eye.

"I don't think ve'd be able to actually sit down and rest knowing anti might be planning somezhing"

"Well lets just rest for bow everything seems fine!"

"Oh i'm sorry zhat i'm on edge right now!"

Jameson woke up and groggily rubbed his eyes looking at the two arguing, then he got up and walked over to them. He waved his arms trying to get him to calm down while his eyes where half lidded, still a bit tired.

"Vhat do you vant bitch." Henrik riposted crossing his arms, clearly not liking the dapper man.

"Be nicer he offered to help us"

"For all ve know he could hiding somezhing and I am not risking zhat"

"God you sound like when Marvin yelled at him."

Henrik grabbed the collar of Jack's shirt.

"Don't compair me to him! How many lives has he saved? None! I've saved ozher peoples lives, including your!"

Jameson pulled Henrik off Jack and pushed him back standing in the middle of them, clearing not liking the violence.

Jack was taken aback not knowing that he aggravated him that much, he looked at Jameson, then at Henrik and readjusts his shirt.

"So you get touchy when angry, not very doctor like"

Henrik was fuming, his cheeks flushed in a dark red, he wanted to put Jack back on the table and take out his organs one by one and put them back seeing how Jack's body would react.

"Du Scheiße, ich hätte dich einfach sterben lassen sollen!"

Jack tilted his head, "uh..please say that in english?"

Henrik cracked his knuckles then his neck "I should have just let you die!"

Jack sat there thinking, letting his mind run, thinking about if Henrik brought him back, why would he if he didn't care?

Henrik realized what he said and sighed, "i'm..sorry, I didn't mean it, just everything zhat happened.."

"No its fine, I completely understand I was just being a pain"

Jameson watched them and backed up fixing bowtie, Henrik looked at Jameson then back at Jack. Jack shrugged and leaned against a wall closing eyes, Henrik waved for Jameson to follow him and started walking to a secluded area.

Jameson reluctantly followed, Henrik turned on his heels infront of Jameson looking over every detail on the dapper man.

"So, you can't talk?"

Jameson shrugged and scratched his chin looking away trying to not make eye contact.

"Calm down i'm not going to hurt you, unless if you give me a reason to."

Jameson nervously laughed, the laugh was silent.

"Can't make noise eizher, can you use sign language?"

Jameson tilted his head questionably wondering why Henrik was asking him all these questions.

Henrik sighed clearly irritated, "ve have a long vay to go."

Jameson nodded meekly, rubbing the back of his neck.

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