Dance On A Type Rope Of Weird

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I wrote 'Come One Come All' at night, specially around 4 or 5 am, so i'm sorry if it was sloppy or all over the place. The picture is from a jse egos 'Mind Brand' video.
"You can set yourself on fire, but your never burn"

Chase heard a voice say as he looked around, he was still at the circus themed area.

"Uh, wait what?" Chase asked looking at the people staring at him, then marvin appeared infront of him with an evil smirk.

Chase looked down and saw what appears to be his nerf gun but different, "if you really want to die, then go ahead, no one can stop you here." Marvin said placing his hands behind his back "unless..your doing it for attention."

Chase picked up the gun and looked at it for a bit "your not Marvin" Chase said before pointing the gun at Marvin.

"I may or may not be, I could be all his worries, doubts, and loneliness taking over that none of you guys seemed to care about..but I have no say in this" Marvin chuckled staring Chase directly in the eyes with a venomous look "pull the trigger" Chase sat there with his finger on the trigger. His hands started shaking and he sighed letting his hands drop to the side.

"I..can't." Marvin's smirk grew as he quickly took the gun pointing it at Chase "but I can, but..wheres the fun in just killing you" Marvin said tossing it to the side and snapped his fingers. The world changed and they where balancing on a type rope, Chase is staggering back and forth trying to stay on while Marvin is perfectly balanced.

"Hm, if you fall three things could happen. You could 1, fall to your death, 2, I could catch you, or 3, you could wake up. Lets find out"

Marvin pushed Chase off the side and jumped down with him. They kept falling for what seemed like hours, everytime Chase saw the ground it seemed to have disappeared again.

"Oh yea, this is gonna take a while" Marvin said before closing his eyes and putting his hands behind his head. Soon Chase saw the ground and started screaming, Marvin chuckled and watches as the ground got closed and closer.

As soon as Chase hit the ground he jolted awake hitting Henrik's head causing him to stumble back "wow, zhats one vay to vake up." Henrik grunts watching as Chase quickly looked around his surrounding, Jack, Jackie, and Henrik where watching him while Marvin layed beside him. Jameson was asleep on the other side of him, "I had the craziest dream, it was almost like one of those fever dreams."

Chase said looking at them "what was it about?" Jackie asked, Chase explained his dream and everyone looked at Marvin, except Jameson because he was asleep.

"I don't understand" Jack said, "if Anti is doing this then why?" "Anti's never had much reason as to vhy he does anyzhing" Henrik retorted before nudging Jackie put of the way to check on Marvin "he better not hit me in zhe head zhis time."

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