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Marvin quickly turned to Jameson and picked him up by his shirt collar and threw him against the wall.

"Dude what the fuck?!" Jack yelled and nudged Marvin to the side going over to Jameson, Henrik was treating Chase's wounds.

"He literally is a human recording machine, no no let me rephrase that, a recording machine, why are you caring for him??" "Because he's the one that actually helped us!" Chase yelled out and got up when Henrik finished.

"He was the one that made this fun, the one who was defying Anti because he got attached, if you can't see that then your a recording machine." Jackie watched and agreed "yea, I mean you could look at it as puppet and puppet master or human being and glitch demon."

Marvin scoffed, "why are you defending him?"
"I don't really like him, zhen again I don't really like anyone, but zhey do have a point" Henrik walked over to Jameson and starts treating his wounds. (I'm sorry for making Marvin kind of an ass- he'll get better-)

Marvin scoffed an crossed his arm "whatever, we still need to find a way out and kill Anti."

"There will be no killing. We just need him to be on our side" "oh yea like that'll fuckin' happen Jack, and what have you been doing this entire time? Get protected because you can't protect yourself?"

"Shut up."

"Make me."

"SHUT ZHE FUCK UP FOR ONCE IN YOUR FUCKING LIVES I SVEAR TO GOD IF I HEAR ONE MORE ARGUMENT LEAVE YOUR FUCKING MOUTHS I'M GOING TO KILL ZHE ONES YOU LOVE ZHEN SET ZHEM ON FIRE!" Everyone fell silent and Henrik scoffed before finishing with Jameson "zhere vill be no killing" "but-" "shut zhe fuck up."

Marvin growled before walking into the corner of the room, Jameson got up and leaned against the wall, Chase patted Jameson's back and started talking to him, probably saying stuff he would say to his kids about getting hurt.

Henrik looked at Jack then at Jackie, he rubbed his temples and went to the center of the room sitting down. Jack talked to Jackie about the entire incident, deciding to brush it off their shoulders and even said a few jokes about it.

Besides, it was over, wasn't it?
I'm sorry that this was short, I have experiencing extreme writers block lately and the fact that my parents keep arguing doesn't make it better, but I hope I can give you guys longer ones, thanks for sticking with my bad story haha, have a wonder day/night!

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