Fake Wounds

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Henrik opened his eyes, denying the voice he heard, maybe it was his tired mind making him hear things, maybe this was all a dream and everyone wasn't finding Anti, they didn't meet this old fashioned mute guy, it was all a dream...that he wanted to believe. The boice echoed in his brain, he already knew who it was, but why this late.

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" The German doctor screamed, putting his hands over his ears, hearing it get louder and louder, just glitchy whispers. Jackie let go of Jameson and went to the other side of Henrik, just as worried as Jack was. Henrik feared the worst, his aanity was already tipping off the edge more than it normally did, he abruptly stood, gripping his ears so hard Jack could've sworn he saw blood. Chase went over and tried getting the doctor to sit back down.

"Doc, calm down it's just in your head" Chase finally got the doctor to sit down, the German's eyes shifting back and forth to everyone, parts of their body started flashing in weird ways. Jack had a slit throat, Chase's wrists were cut, Jackie had two stab wounds in his abdomen, Marvin was missing his eyes, and Jameson had his mouth sewn together. Henrik began shaking, his breathing unsteady as his eyes quickly scanned over everyone.

"You could have saved them..but you failed..those restless nights and surgeries never saved them" Anti began laughing, his laugh meniacle and heartless, just like always.

"YOUR LYING!" He kicked against Jackie, Jameson came over to help hold Henrik down, Marvin walked over to help. "Look who came to help finally" Jack teased, gently nudging the magician, which in return got a poorly hidden smile. Chase kept talking to Henrik to try and calm him down while Jack watched, he couldn't do anything even if he tried. Jack sighed, scratching his head before looking somewhere else, he knows that they are his ego's but that doesn't mean he can't treat them as actual beings, they were his babies. Even Anti.

Jack stood up and stretched, ruffling Henrik's hair and changing his position, Marvin soon had to hse a sleeping spell because Henrik started kicking Jameson in the head and punching Jackie in the chest. Henrik breathed heavily, his eyes droopy and refusing to sleep, Marvin didn't care, as long as he stopped hurting the others he didn't care what Henrik did. The magician looked at Jackie, then Jameson, huffing. Jameson looked away nervously as Jackie rubbed the back of his neck, soon Marvin cracked a smirk and ruffled both of their hairs and sat between them, Jackie laughed a little.

"I thought you didn't like the dapper boy" Marvin looked at Jameson, stealing his hat and putting it on. "Well..I thought about it for bit..and he is one of Jack's ego's, we're going to have to get along" Jameson smiled, hugging Marvin with such force he practically tackled him. Marvin grunted before patting his back.

"Yea yea." He rolled his eyes and sat back up, slinging an arm over Jameson's shoulders, "I gotta show you some magic tricks, I know you got some magic in ya dapper." Marvin put the hat back on Jameson's head and tipped it over his eyes, in return he got a raspy sounding whine. Marvin laughed a little before looking at Jackie, who was smirking.

"What?" Marvin tilted his head, "oh nothing..just how quickly you changed your opinion, even offering to hang out with him and joke with him" Marvin rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"What are you jealous that I'm hanging out with dapper and your not?" Jackie's eyes widened as it seemed like steam could come out of Jackie's ears, his face reddening in what is probably some form of anger, "am not!" "Are too!" "AM NOT!!"

Jameson nervously shifted, picking at his nails and looking at the ground, disliking how a sudden arguement erupted. Chase went over and silently took him away from the argument, Chase sighed, "sorry about that..this always happens with new ego's.." Jameson nodded and smiled 'you don't need to apologize, I can tell they don't go out often.'

Chase smiled and leaned against the wall, everything running through his mind at once he can't even begin to think about the possibilities when they finally get to Anti, he just hopes that he can get Anti back on their side again. Jameson tilted his head and gently tugged on Chase's sleeve, 'what's the matter?'

Chase sighed, looking away from the mute man, then back, telling him everything that's on his mind, everything he's thought of, just everything, and Jameson listened, nodding his head with a worried expression. "..your good at listening.."

'I get that alot'

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