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Warning: depictions of blood and fighting
Marvin blinked a couple times, "what are you talking about?" He cocked his head to the side, not understanding what they where talking about.

"You vhere taken over, do you not remember anyzhing?" Henrik said almost desperately, trying to get anything from Marvin.

Marvin thought for a minute, trying to remember something, everytime he remembers something it immediately left. Like he was hanging from a cliff and every rock he tried grabbing always slipped from his grasp.

"I uh..I can't.." he opened his eyes in defeat. "I can't remember."

Henrik sighed and looked at the others "vell at least you tried, zheres nothing to really do right now, just to vait on what might happen next." It was clear that none of them knew what to do.

"So Marvin was the only one possed right now..maybe theres an order he's trying to go in" Jackie suggested scratching his chin before looking at Jameson "dude you ok?" Jameson was shaking, not the shivering when your cold or scared, it was violent, and he looked on the verge of an anxiety attack. Henrik quickly went to him and put a hand on his shoulder, Jameson immediately hit it away and backed up from the group, it was like he was seeing something the others couldn't.

"Oh dear.." A glitchy voice said before maniacally giggling "do you guys like puppets?" Everyone's heads darted in different directions while Jameson covered his ears.

"Zhe fuck are you doing!? Leave us alone!" Henrik yelled.

"Now now doctor, I'm not here to hurt any of you..just a mere question"

"Why should we answer, what are you going to do" Jackie retorted crossing his arms.

"Nothing I promise, I wouldn't lie about a promise.."

Everyone looked at eachother except for Jameson, he was still covering his ears from the glitching voice that boomed in his head.

Everyone slowly nodded at the question he had asked before.

"How delightful..lets watch a puppet show." The room turned red and Jameson fell to the floor, laying there limp. Everyone just stared at Jameson, feeling a little uneasy at how perfect that was.

Jameson layed there for a minute before standing up, he looked at the others, his eyes pitch black.

"Copycat trying to cop my manner~" The glitch hummed before appearing next to Jameson "I sent a puppet to come and get imformation"

"I knew it!" Marvin blurted out "I knew it and everyone thought I was fucking crazy!" Anti looked at Marvin and gave a half nod.

"It seems my puppet was trying disobey me, I think he grew attached, doesn't matter."

Chase pulled out a pistol he had in his back pocket and pointed it was Anti, "sorry, sorry" Anti put his hands up "sike" he waved his hand and Jameson immediantly charged at Chase, he quickly jumped up and kicked Chase in the back of his head.

Jackie ran over and punched Jameson "someone get Chase!" Henrik grabbed Chase and grunted. Jameson punched Jackie in the chest then kicked his side, Anti smiled at the violence that broke through. "Careful..anything that hits Jameson could potentially actually hurt him"

Henrik looked at Chase then kicked Anti, for some reason Anti didn't dodge it and glitched violently grunting, losing control of Jameson for a little bit, but that was at the part where Jackie was choking Jameson and punching him. Anti didn't try taking back control "wow your really doing a number on him."

"Jackie stop!" Henrik yelled looking over, Jackie looked at Henrik "why??" He looked down and immediately got off Jameson, the now beaten and bloodied dapper man went into the fetal position on the ground. Chase quickly went to Jameson and rubbed his side, then pointed his pistol at Anti, Marvin kept Jack behind him and Jackie was 'protecting' Henrik.

"So now everyone is against me? Jameson was the one You originally had a suspicion for..and that came true" Anti giggled, the sound of a gun firing filled the room, it was like slow motion. They all looked at Chase, he had shot Anti in the head, but the demon just touched the blood coming out of his head and began violently glitching.

"OH Y OUR A DEA D MAN BR ODY" The demon lunged at Chase and began scratching at him, Chase's pink flesh and blood stained the demons fingers and his screams filled the hallow room.

Jack and Jackie kept trying to pull the demon back while Henrik and Marvin tried pulling Chase away, they kept pulling until they finally broke it apart and Anti cleared his throat.

"Until next time." Then Anti disappeared. Of course the other egos not knowing where Anti ran off too.

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