What is Happening...

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Everyone shrugged not knowing where else to look. Jameson was intrigued by what marvin was doing, Henrik snapped infront of his face "you zhere old man?" Jameson nods "I wasn't zonin' out, just watchin' 'em!" Henrik stared at the text box unamused "vhy do you have zhis, your mouth doesn't even move vhen you talk" Henrik attempted to touch the text box but his hand went right through it, the text box started melting and Jameson put on a somewhat saddned face. "˙ɔop ʎɹɹoʍ ʇ'uop ʞɔɐq ǝɯoɔ ll'ʇı ʇnq 'ʎʇlǝɯ llɐ sʇı ʍou 'ʇɐǝɹɓ llǝM" Henrik sat there staring but then look down at his clothes, he wore a blue shirt and jeans, then looks back up "how do you know i'm a doctor." Henrik retorted, eyes narrowing on the dapper fella. Jameson sat there just staring and smiling for a minute, then looks at the others "answer me." Jameson looks back at Henrik and bows ".pɐl dɐɔ lɐɔıpǝɯ ɐ ɓuıɹɐǝʍ ɹnoʎ snld 'sʎnɓ noʎ ʇnoqɐ ʇolɐ ʍouʞ I ʇnq 'uǝɥʇ puɐ ʍou ʎɹǝʌǝ ɟɟo ǝzop˙˙oʇ puǝʇ ı˙˙sǝıɓolodɐ ʎW'' The text box finally stopped melting and Henrik put a hand on top his head, feeling that he was indeed wearing his medical cap. Marvin was watching Henrik and Jameson talk the entire time growing more suspicious of the dapper man "hey guys why don't you come over and talk with us!" Jackieboyman shouted waving over. Jameson went over almost immediantly and Marvin looked at Henrik, Henrik returned the look then averting his eyes to Jameson then back at Marvin. Marvin nodded and looked to the others, soon the world started to contort and spiral like those optical illusion stuff you see in those videos saying it will make you forget your name for like an hour or something. Those videos never work I don't know why I still try them, anyways back to the story. Everyone watched as the world started spiraling into darkness, they all looked at eachother, a bit worried on where they where going this time. Henrik and Marvin's eyes where fixated on Jameson, he isn't smiling, he's not looking around, he's just staring forward eyes glazed. He isn't staring at anything in particular, soon the world stopped, everything is dark except for one lightbulb hanging from the ceiling and a wooden chair in the center. Everyone except for Jameson was looking around their new surroundings, walking around and seeing if there was more to the area. Jameson let out a shaky sigh and looked at everyone then to where his text box used to be but seemed to have vanished with the world. Marvin, having enough of this bullshit grabs Jameson by the collar of his shirt and lifts him up "WHERE ARE WE YOU PIECE OF SHIT I'M DONE WITH THIS! YOU BETTER FUCKING EXPLAIN BEFORE I MAKE YOU!" Jameson's eyes widened and he grabs marvin's hands squirming trying to get away from the angry kitten. Everyone sat there watching, not wanting to get involved. Marvin went over to the chair still holding Jameson and forcefully pushes him into the chair. Jameson, breathing rapidly, watching Marvin terrified of what might happen next, scared that if he does the wrong thing something terrible might happen to him. The other ego's go over watching Jameson "Marv, I zhink your scaring him." "HE SHOULD BE FUCKING SCARED" Marvin's grip on Jameson's shirt tightened to where his knuckles turned white. "I think you need to let him go, violence and shouting won't do anything, he hasn't done anything to us this entire time" Chase said picking up dapper's hat and walking over to the others. "I agree, I know your frustrated but violence and scaring him won't get anything out of him" Jackieboyman responded "I agree, he could end up fainting from zhe shock, and I zhought you vhere trying to get answers." Henrik said pushing up his glasses with his middle finger. Marvin let out a frustrated yell and lets go of Jameson starting to walk into the darkness, "no explaining until we get back I want to hear this" Jackieboyman says getting up and runs after Marvin "don't go too far!" Chase said watching them.
Sorry for the next upload, the idea was in my head and I had to make it.

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