Likable Conversations

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"So you just inject random people with random shit?"

"Since vhen did you start caring about vhat I did, you always record videos and barely leave your room, vhich is clearly unhealthy!"

Henrik snapped back at Jack, he was not in the mood to be dealing with this, he has Jack and Jackie going on about how he shouldn't be injecting people with random shit even though thats what doctors do anyways.

Chase just sat there watching the argument before averting his attention to Jameson.

"Yo Jamie, you alright?"

Jack and Jackie looked at Jameson while Henrik just crossed his arms and adjusts his glasses.

"I say he's fine, all zhat happened vas a little choking and a slam to zhe ground, he should be fine."

"Dude does it hurt you to be just a little nice to him?"

Chase pleaded, Henrik sighed and went over to Jameson, Jameson smiling and cocking (XD I'm immature) his head to the side. Henrik took off Jameson's hat and checked his head before checking his neck.

"Any pain?"

Jameson shook his head.


Shook his head again.

"Ok zhen your fine, no internal bleeding, no pain, and no swelling, I told you guys zhat he vas fine, vhat now a sticker?"

Jameson slowly nodded and Jack, Jackie, and Chase almost started laughing. Henrik sighed and pulled out a pack of stickers from his pocket and put one onto Jameson, it was a PMA sticker.

Jameson's smile widened as he signed 'thank you!'

Henrik nodded and put the stickers back into his pocket.

"Why do you carry around stickers?"

Jack asked with one eyebrow raised, smirking.

"Its fore Chase and Jackie, vhen zhey get hurt zhey vant stickers."

"Aww come on dude you didn't need to tell him that.."

Chase sighed before gently shaking Marvin.


Jackie joined.

"Everyone knows you like stickers Jackie, zhats vhy I give you superheroe stickers."

"Why did you give Jamie just a plain black and white PMA sticker??"

"Because I don't know vhat kind of stickers he likes get off my dick before I bust your kneecaps!"

Jackie swiftly held his hands up in a surrendering motion, not wanting to cause any trouble with the cranky doctor.

"Someone needs coffee"

Jack added before gently patting Henrik's shoulder and looking at Jameson.

"You've been awefully quiet- er..your always quiet..I meant that you haven't uh..'said' anything after the whole incident happened."

"I still don't trust him."

Henrik butted in staring at Jameson.

"Yea i'm starting to not trust him, he didn't seem as worried as anyone else, except for Schneep..but he's just a big tsuundere."


Henrik yelled and Marvin looked up at them, confused as to what the hell was happening, he averted his eyes looking at Chase.


They talked over Chase.


Chase said a bit louder but they continued talking.


He practically screamed getting everyone's attention, and Jameson covering his ears.

"Marv's awake."

Henrik checked on Marvin's vitals while Jack and Jackie watched. Jameson went over to Chase and gently grabbed his arm taking him away from the others before signing.

'You ok?'

"I'm fine, this isn't the first time"

Chase chuckled, seeing the dapper man frowning.

'Not that, your aura is..sad..even when you seemed happy it always felt sad..'

Chase sighed rubbing his arm.

"I don't really like talking about it to people I just met, even though you practically already seem like a son to me.."

'You can trust me..I would never do anything to harm you guys, your already like family to me.'

Chase sighed, rubbing the back of his neck before reluctantly compelling.

" wife left me, she took the kids and now i'm barely allowed to see them, i'd be lucky to even see them twice a week.."

Chase's shoulders slumped, Jameson watched, he patted Chase's shoulder with a sympathetic look.

'What where their names?'

"Well my wife's name was children's names where Arii and Grayson.."

Jameson nodded.

'Who named them?'

"I got to name Arii"

'You did great with naming, I bet they love you with all of their tiny hearts'

A small glint appeared in Jameson's eyes, it disappeared as fast as it came. Chase nodded and gave a weak smile before hugging Jameson, he burries his face into the dapper man's shoulder. Jameson looked over to the other ego's, they where watching them, Jack said something before the looked away again.

Jameson, didn't feel anything, as the hug got longer and longer he felt no need to get out of it, he couldn't feel anything. Happy, sad, mad, you name it, he couldn't feel it..or he thinks he can't at least. Chase started getting a little tired so he let go of Jameson and rubbed his eyes before going back to the others. Jameson just stood there watching before turning awagy, thinking about what the tingly feeling inside his chest was. (No its not a ship)

"You coming mute boy?"

Henrik said before getting slapped over the head by Jackie, Jameson put on a smile before nodding and walking over. Marvin looked Jameson up and down before scoffing.

"Why is he still here?"

Marvin's words seeped out of his mouth like a vicious lion.

"He was helping"

"We don't need help."

"Ve never saw you doing anyzhi-vait, if Anti 'took over' you..vhat happened, you gotta tell us it could help!"

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