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After Carter and Ciara ttalked themselves to sleep, Jayla, me and her friend started talking.

"So how u been?" I asked her.


"What u been up to these few years? "

"Work" she shrugged.

"Are u going to keep giving me one word answers? "

"No" she replied.

I just sat back and actually took in her presence. She wasn't wearing any make up, her hair was still wild and curly, her titties looked the same, her stomach was flat like before she was pregnant, her thighs were thicker and if only If i could see her ass. Overall, she looked more beautiful then she did 5 years ago.

"Someone wanna take me to the store real quick?" Grams asked, coming out the kitchen.

"I'll take u" Rasheen said. He kissed Jayla's forehead before walking out with Grams. Now that we're alone, I took this chance to really talk to her.

I got up and sat next to her "So can we talk about What happen 5 years ago? Or u just gonna act like it never happened?"" I asked her.

"I didn't come here to talk to u. I came because your kids were asking for u, and because I wanted to see Grams. "

"Jay just talk to me" I said softly moving closer. "I don't want u to hate me. Let's talk this out, move on and move forward"

"Ok, let's talk. Let's talk about how stupid u made me look in front of your family. Let's talk about how u were upstairs, kissing another female while I was down here waiting for u. Let's talk about how it seemed like u didn't even care about how I would feel" By now, tears were falling from her eyes and her voice was cracking.

"Let's talk about how less than 2 months after we got married, your with someone else. Let's talk about how u did that to me, your pregnant wife Kidd"

She broke down crying and u can tell there was still a lot of hidden pain. I didn't know she felt like this, I honestly didn't and never in my life would I want her to feel like this.

"Jay look at me" I moved her hands from her face and wiped her tears "I apologize from the bottom of my heart Jayla. I admit I was wrong and there's no excuse why I kissed Peaches."

I pushed lose hair away from her face "While u were gone, I was looking everywhere for u. The first 2 years were crazy. I was drinking heavy, killing people for no reason and fckin any girl that walked past me. I was falling apart without u ma. I need u"

She looked up at me "I didn't know I made u feel that way Jayla, I swear I didn't. Peaches wasn't worth losing u, or my kids. She wasn't worth missing out on 5 years of they life and she wasn't worth missing out on your love for 5 years."

"Why Kidd? I know it was just a simple kiss but it looked like u wanted that. Like u wanted to be with her instead. There was so much passion in that kiss Kidd, I started doubting what we had"

"It was just the moment, I promise. When she kissed me, I did kiss back but to me it was just a kiss. Nothing more. I want u, not her. And there's no reason to doubt what we had. There was no doubt about it ma, I was in love with u. I'm still in love with u"

"Kidd I d-"

"Just listen ok? I'm going outta town for a month after the reunion and when I get back, I'm coming to your place and we're going out to dinner. We're gonna get everything out on the table. Any questions u have, I'll answer them honestly. That's good?"

"Kidd no. I'm not going down this road with u again. Why would I try again, after u already hurt me?" she asked.

"Cause u know I'd never hurt u again"

"No I don't" she said, chuckling. "Listen, I didn't come here to see u. I honestly don't even want to be talking to u. And I'd love it, if u stop talking to me. Thank u"

When she said that, I noticed how hard this was going to be and how bad I hurt her. Just as I was about to reply, Grams and Rasheen came back.

Rasheen walked over to us and saw Jayla was crying "Jay u good? "

She nodded "I'm fine Rasheen. I'll be back, u coming?"

He nodded as they walked outside.

It Is What It Is (Roommates Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now