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Yea, I'm jealous. It ain't a secret. Watching Jayla and Rasheen in the pool made me mad but I controlled myself from doing anything. No matter what, Jayla is always mine.

"Kidd u have a shirt and sweats or basketball shorts I can borrow?" she asked, going through the drawers in the room.

"Uh- yea" I replied, eyeing her body from behind. Her ass is looking all types of fine.

"Go get the clothes so I can shower"

I nodded and walked out, bumping into Rasheen who was walking into the guest room "Hold up, Jayla in there"

"I know" he said, walking inside anyway.

Hell naw. I rushed and got 2 shirts and 2 basketball shorts, just so I won't have to leave the room again.

Walking in, Jayla was sitting on the dresser and Rasheen was on the bed. I passed them their clothes "Ok, I'm going to shower" she said.

Once she was gone, Rasheen spoke "Aye Kidd, ain't no reason for u to think Jay and I fuckin around. She my sister, we ain't like that. On mamas"

I nodded and dapped him "Appreciate it "Cause on everything, I thought Jayla was lying. I walked out the room and checked on the twins.

"What u doin up lil man?" I asked Carter. Ciara was knocked out and Carter was up watching Dr.Mc stuffons.

"Not sleepy" he yawned. He's fighting his sleep, most def. His eyes red, low and all.

"If u go to sleep, We'll all go to the water park"

"Ok, night" he closed his eyes. I chuckled and turned off the tv before unlocking the bathroom door and walking in.

I wasn't getting in with Jayla, just wanted to talk. I know, while she showering? Yeap, since it's the only place we are alone.

I put the toilet top down and sat on it. "Jay what u doin?" I smiled. Dumb ass question.

"Kidd what u doin in here nigga? Get out."

"Yea yea, what u doin? " I asked again, ignoring her.

"Having lunch with George Washington"

I laughed "Dumb answer for a dumb question huh"

"Yeap" she laughed "Where's Grams?"

"Not sure, I called her like 5 times and she ain't answer. Why?" I asked.

"Just worried, that's all"

"What, u think something bad happened? "

Now I'm thinking and shit. Grams been gone all day. Her car isn't here, her phone going to voicemail. She never been gone this long before.

"I don't know, don't want to jinx anything u know? But it'll make me feel a lot better if we at least go looking for her"

"Yea I feel u. I'm gonna go shower and let Rasheen know, then we can go"

I walked out the bathroom and into the guest room. "Aye, Jay and I goin out to look for Grams. The twins sleep in her room"

"Iight cool"

I cracked the door then showered in Grams bathroom "U almost ready?" Jayla asked, walking in on me.

"Yea" I said, rinsing my mouth out. I slipped on my boxers then basketball shorts and a wife beater. I walked over to the bathroom door, but Jayla blocked it. "Wassup" I asked, looking down at her.

" Just saying thank u again. I know what we doing is weird but I like that your stickin it out with me"

"No problem baby" I smiled, testing my boundaries. When she smiled back and walked off, I smiled wide.

We've been driving around for almost half an hour, and still nothing. "What exactly are we looking for? " Jayla asked, looking out the passenger window.

"Her car, her, anything"

A few minutes passed when Jayla spotted Grams car in the parking lot of a park. I parked beside her car while Jayla was already at Grams car.

She opened the door and blood was everywhere. "Oh my God" when I say blood was everywhere, I mean everywhere. The roof, Windows, Seats, everything.

I didn't know what to feel. Here, all this blood but no body. Jayla popped the trunk and ran to the back. When she opened it, she screamed loud. "Oh my God, Grams" she cried.

I rushed to the back to see, Grams body in the trunk with a plastic bag over her head. Jayla cradled the body while I walked off. I stood by a light post and punched it 3 times. I didn't feel pain because I was numb all over.

I sat on the curb and sighed. Then I started thinking. About Mike and Grams.

I remember the last time I saw Mike was 1 year ago. He wasn't in the hospital either, I saw him at this exact park. And Grams was with me. We all had a conversation together.

And that was the same day I thought I saw Micheal..

It Is What It Is (Roommates Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now