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Last night felt much needed. Although I Don't see a future between Kidd and I, he'll always be that one person I run to. We've been through to much to just pretend he doesn't exist.

I never said I don't love Kidd, because I do. He'll always have my heart but I honestly think he'll hurt me again.

Today, the twins are going out with Rasheen and Kidd. After I drop them off and speak to Grams, I'm gonna go and stop to see D and La.

Last I've heard, Mya and DJ moved in so I'll see them too. Rere and Jamarcus I haven't heard about them but I need to see my favorite cousin.

My dad, I need to stop by and see him and I think that's about it. My life is obviously here in California, but I just needed to get away for awhile.

I'll come back, but I don't know when. If Kidd and I work out, I'll move back. If not, I'll just be sure to visit on birthdays and holidays.


"Girl we in Here waiting for u, and u in here staring at nothing? U better bring yo ass on" Rasheen said, bringing me out my thoughts. I laughed at his dumb self and followed him out the room.

"Mommy hurry. I wanna be with daddy and Sheen" Carter rushed.

"Don't rush her" Ciara said coming over to me. "I got your back"

I laughed "Don't rush me Carter. Now let's go"

We all walked out the hotel and to my car. Rasheen threw the bag in the back between the twins while I strapped them in.

Nothing was really in the bag, just sleep clothes for the us all. I know they'll be out late so when they get back, I'll bathe them and put them to sleep. Just like last night.

Before going to Grams place, I stopped by Wal-Mart. "What y'all want from here?"

"Dew and chip bar"

"Me to mommy"

"I'll have that too" Rasheen said, laughing. The twins want a mountain dew and chocolate chip granola bar. I'll just get 2 bottles and have the twins share one and 3 boxes of those granola bars.

I wasn't really hungry so I didn't get anything. "Share this and here" I passed the twins 2 bars each and put the soda between them.

Pulling up to Grams house, I see another car so I'm guessing it's Kidd's car. "Y'all still hungry? "


"Can I have one more bar please?" Carter asked. I passed him one before getting out the car and letting them out. Rasheen grabbed the bag and we walked inside.

It smelled like Grams was cooking breakfast. Damn I shouldn't have let them eat.

"Hey y'all. Y'all hungry ?" Grams asked. Everyone nodded including my hungry ass. I know I wasn't hungry before but just smelling Grams food, changed my mind quick.

"Go sit down" I told the twins. Rasheen wrestled with them while walking into the dining room.

I turned and walked towards the dining room where Grams was laying food out for everyone. "Daddy" the twins yelled, running over to them. He threw them over his shoulder.

"Y'all missed me?" he asked, jumping and spinning.

"Yes" they screamed. Kidd put them down and sat them down then took the seat next to me.

"Guess what we doin today? " Rasheen said to the twins. Their eyes became huge as smiles spread acoss they faces. "Boomers then a movie"

They started cheering like they won the lottery. "But" I said getting their attention "Y'all have to promise to be good."

"We promise mommy" Ciara said as Carter nodded rapidly. His neck looked like it was made of rubber, just flapping.

"What u doin while we gone?" Kidd asked.

"Go see everyone. La, D, Mya, DJ, my dad"

"U gonna take the twins to see your dad too?" Rasheen asked.

" I'll take them tomorrow"

"Where we go tomorrow? " Ciara asked with her nosy self.

"Grown people business" I told her. She knows that mean stop being nosy.

"Can we get some time alone,so we can chill?" Kidd asked. I shrugged.

"I'll watch the twins for y'all, just let me know the day" Rasheen offered.

"You've never watched them alone though. Rasheen that's ok, they'll just come with us"

"U don't trust me with them? "

"I do b-"

"Ok then, I'm watching them. End of discussion"

"Well Kidd and I won't be spending anytime together, so no need to watch the twins"

I hate when he shut me down like that. Like nigga, I'll talk till I'm ready to stop. But of course I'd never say that out loud.

I'm smart and to young to die.

Rasheen pinched the living nerves out my thigh.

"Shyt" I rubbed my leg "I mean shucks"

The twins giggled "Mommy owes money to the swear jar" Carter said. I didn't even know we had a swear jar.

"Yea mommy, 2 each" Ciara added. I'm getting hustled by my own babies. I gave them both $2.

"I'll see y'all later. Gimmie a kiss" Ciara and Carter kissed my cheeks and I returned the favor. I made sure they were locked in Kidd's car before walking to Rasheen. "I'll see u later babes" I said dusting off his shirt.

He kissed my forehead "Iight ma"

I walked over to Kidd "Keep my babies safe Kidd." I said seriously. I know he still a kingpin and danger can happen at anytime. I would know out of all people about that.

"I'll keep our babies safe."

"I'll see u later" I said walking off.

"Iight ma"

Just cause its Christmas... Merry Christmas everyone

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