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It's around 8p.m and Kidd still isn't back yet. I'm not going to call cause what if he trying to get into someone house? I call, his phone ring out loud and bang.. No thank u.

Instead of having the twins all couped up inside, we all, including Rasheen, played outside in the pool.

I bathed them, fed them then we all sat in the living room. I already bathed so right now, we're waiting for Rasheen to finish so we can watch our movie.

"Finally Sheen" Ciara laughed, once he came downstairs. He had on sweats and a wife beater. "Mommy said your a fish" both twins laughed.

"She did huh?" he said, mugging me. I'm not even going to deny it cause I did say that. He showered for almost a whole hour. Only a damn fish needs all that water.

After our little dispute and the twins making me and Rasheen apologize then hug, we put the movie in. Frozen.

I hate this damn movie. I've seen it at least 40 times, and that let it go song? Oh lord why?

Soon as the song was about to start a hard knock came from the front door. The twins jumped while Rasheen and I grabbed our guns from our waist.

I quickly pulled the twins off the floor as Rasheen turned off the tv "Come on babies. Come with me upstairs"

I rushed them upstairs just as a second loud knock came from the door.

"Stay in here and don't make a sound. Don't come out until I come get u ok?"

"Mommy what's happening?" Ciara cried. Carter hugged and I kissed both their foreheads.

"There's bad people here. Worse then the grinch so don't move ok? I love y'all"

I closed the door to the cabinet under the bathroom sink and slowly walked downstairs with my gun drawn.

The loud knocking was still coming. Rasheen amd I stood on opposite sides of the wall that blocked the front door from the living room and waited.

The door flew open and heavy foot steps could be heard. More than one.

"Yo u sure they here?" one asked.

"Yea, that's what Micheal said."

The footsteps got closer and as soon as they came into me and Rasheen's view, we fired.

Rasheen kicked away their guns and stood over them while I quickly called Kidd. "Wassup baby?"

"U need to come b-back" damn, I'm nervous as hell.

"Why, what happen? U ok? The twins good?"

I could hear rustling in the back so I knew he was making his way outside .

"Some people came here"

"Iight hold tight. I'm coming right now. "

I nodded even though he couldn't see and hung up. I looked down at the 2 men and they were still alive, with fear on their faces. They know they fcked with the wrong one.

"U got this until Kidd get here?" I asked Rasheen. He nodded, his gun still pointed at them. I walked upstairs and into the bathroom. I opened the cabinet to see Carter still holding Ciara.

When they saw me, they quickly got out and hugged me "Mommy I was so scared" Caira said. My poor baby was shaking.

"I help Ciara not cry mommy" Carter said. He wasn't crying or shaking. My baby a soldier.

I pulled them into the guest room they sleep in "From now on, we're all sleeping in the same room ok?"

"What about daddy and Sheen?" Carter asked.

"Y'all want them to sleep in the same room with us?"

They nodded "To keep them from the bad guys" Ciara said.

"Ok, I'll make them sleep with us. Now get in bed and let's go to sleep"

We all climbed into bed and I cuddled them close to me. I'm not sure when I fell asleep, but I was woken up by Kidd barging into the room.

He had panic all over his face but it quickly went away when he saw us.

I slid out of bed and walked to him as he walked to me. We hugged each other tight for what seemed like forever. "What'd u do with the 2 guys?" I asked, as he walked over to the twins. He kissed both their foreheads before picking up Ciara.

"Daddy no" she whined. He ignored her and just hugged her, then layed her back down. Then he picked up Carter and hugged him and layed him back down.

"I had D and Lil M and Tay take them to the trap" he said once we walked out. "Rasheen left with them"

"So what happen?"

He sighed and sat on the bed. I kneed down in front of him and placed my hands on either knee.

"He's been following y'all since u left Jay. The hit on u is 500,000 and the hit on the twins is 350,000 each. But I got his peoples at the trap and when he notice they gone, I know for sure he'll try to come after u and the twins."

"So what u gonna do?"

"The twins going to the safe house in Sacramento until this is over" he said.

"And me?"

Again, he sighed.

"Don't hate me" he mumbled

"Just tell me"

"Your staying here. Your bait"



...bait? I'm not.. I don't. .*sigh*

I don't know what to say or do right now. He's using me as bait? When theres a hit on my head? When I have 2 kids? What if this plan of me being bait doesn't work? And I'm killed?

I started pushing off Kidd but he wouldn't let me go. "Just let me explain"

"No, get the fuck off me" I said, pushing away harder. There's honestly nothing to explain. I pushed harder and harder until he finally let go. "Don't come by me" I said as he walked to me.

"Jay I-"

"Why would u do that? Why the fuck am I bait Kidd? That doesn't even make sense" I yelled. I'm not even mad, I'm scared for my life. "Why would u put my life in danger like it's nothing? What if your plan doesn't even work out and I'm killed huh?" tears ran down my face, blurring my vision.

"Can I explain baby? If I explain what's going on, you'll understand"

"I'll understand why my life is on the line?" I chuckled, shaking my head. "Explain it then"

It Is What It Is (Roommates Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now