testing the waters.

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are you awake?

what the fuck

im gonna take that as a yes

what the fuck do you expect me to say to you

say you'll meet me at two whales at 9am?

only because im not convinced im actually talking to you right now.

it was weird to be back here, i won't lie, it felt like i had been on a very distressing, lonely holiday for two and a half years and i was now coming back home. arcadia bay seemed to be frozen in time, the only thing that was changing throughout it were the roads collecting more and more pot holes, making it seemingly impossible to drive down the main street without at least hitting three of them. i sat in the diner, the heat blowing softly across my body as i watched drivers try their best not to hit any of the holes scattering across the roads, but soon enough a full cup of black coffee was slid in front of me and the waitress walked off without saying another word. probably used to customers not being very talkative at 9 in the morning.

i tapped my foot anxiously on the linoleum flooring as i waited for him, nervous he wouldn't even be coming to see me, but it wasn't until 30 minutes after 9am that the bell above the door rang, signalling that someone had come into the diner. i looked up from my emptying cup and tried to hide the smile that appeared on my face when i saw him. he stared at me with tired eyes and dark blonde hair messily styled on his head, but soon enough a smile grew on his lips too and he began to walk towards me. i slid out from the booth once he was nearing me and he quickly wrapped his arms around my waist as i hugged him in return around his neck, his grip on me tightening as he pulled me in strongly,
"i," he stuttered as he pulled away looking down at me, he shook his head stiffly, "where the fuck have you been?" i exhaled softly before sitting back down in the booth, nathan sat across from me, his eyes never leaving me as if he was scared i would just vanish in front of him.
"seattle," i replied and his eyes widened, i pushed out a softly laugh at his response,
"that's like... four hours away, rosie?" he questioned, "why'd you stop talking to me?" my smile fell and i sighed gently,
"i don't know," i replied with remorse, "i don't know," i repeated this time looking in his eyes that had only grown with sadness,
"fuck off 'you don't know'," he scoffed at me, his eyebrows furrowing,
"nathan," i sighed, out if frustration at myself, "i'm sorry,"
"we've been friends for 18 fucking years, rosie, jesus christ. you can't just cut people off like that," he looked at me with sad eyes,
"i know, nathan," i sighed sadly, "my dad... he just, he didn't let me talk to anyone from arcadia bay,"
"what?" he looked at me with narrowed eyes,
"my dad... he," i sighed, "he said that the people i knew here were bad influences, that you guys were turning me into a bad person," i looked down sadly at the table, "he wouldn't let me do anything by myself,"
"jesus christ," nathan sighed as he leant back into his chair, "that's fucked," he spoke and i nodded softly in response,
"i know, i'm sorry," i replied with sorry eyes,
"holy shit," nathan sighed as he ran his hands through his hair in frustration, leaving mine to grow cold to i wrapped them around my emptying cup of coffee. "seattle, though? the big city," he spoke after a few moments, i nodded, "why the fuck did you come back? i mean to leave a city to come back to this shit hole," i shrugged softly,
"i missed you," i said and his expression softened, "i missed chloe, rachel, and my brother," he looked down at the table, "i miss being a teenager," i inhaled sharply, "and i never thought i would say this, but i miss blackwell," nathan pushed out a laugh in response, before narrowing his eyes at me, "i want to go back,"
"you want to go back? to blackwell?!" he laughed, i couldn't help but push out a soft laugh too, "after how things were left? you want to go back there?"
"finishing my scholarship is more important to me than some victoria chase drama, nathan," i shrugged, nathan sighed as he leant back into his chair, pushing out a soft sigh,
"if you say so. i'll talk to my dad for you," i furrowed my brows immediately in response,
"what? no, jesus. i was going to talk to wells today," nathan laughed,
"wells takes fucking forever to brush his teeth, rosemary. my dad will have you in for tomorrow," i sighed in defeat knowing there was no possibility of winning an argument with nathan,
"okay," i nodded before smiling widely up at him, "i owe you,"
"i know you do."

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