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<Messages (41)
      where the fuck are u rosie
2 days ago 1:16pm
      is it cuz of what happened when u came to mine?
2 days ago 2:45pm
      victoria is asking about u.
Yesterday at 10:13am
      are u going to turn up today?
Yesterday at 11:56am
     fucks sake rosie
Yesterday at 7:15pm
      u better be coming to class today bowers.

      i'll be there

     jesus fucking christ
     where the fuck have u been


      are u just late or are u not coming

      otw now

     mark needs u for a shoot again
      models dropped out again ffs


      he's so close to being done rosie. just once more


"who are you texting?" chloe asked with a soft laugh as my text tone filled the car every few seconds. i looked over at her as we pulled up to the front of the academy, the morning rush of students running around up the short stair case in beside the car,
"nathan," i responded with a smile, she sent one back to me before looking down at her lap and exhaling shakily, "you okay?" i asked her as i moved closer towards her, my hand going over hers in worry before i could process the guilt that would rocket through my body seconds later. she nodded,
"are you?" she asked me, her eyes meeting mine and i nodded with furrowed brows, "you've been... kinda distant recently... physically,"
"oh," i replied looking down at our hands, noticing how mine were flat on top of hers as her fingers wrapped through mine,
"so are you okay?" she asked me and i nodded quickly,
"my mind's just been elsewhere," i made up an excuse, my eyes hardly meeting hers as i smiled stiffly and for some reason, she believed me. i leant closer towards her until our lips brushed together softly, my heart rate rose as our lips moved together in a public place, but i pulled her closer to me, my tongue brushing against hers softly as we kissed deeply. suddenly i felt tears spring to my eyes as my heart became overwhelmed with anxiety, lust, guilt and paranoia so i pulled away from her, leaving her breathless and confused, "i should go," i nodded once before i picked up my bag from the floor and stepped out of the vehicle, "i'm staying back doing some extra work tonight, i'll get nathan to drop me off,"
"okay," she nodded with a soft smile, "have a good day," she spoke before i stepped away from the car, closing the car door and watched her drive away. i swallowed my anxiety before turning around and making my way up towards the large brick building. i didn't know if i was extremely paranoid about people seeing me kiss chloe like that or if people were actually staring at me, but i felt so many pairs of eyes on me it was becoming uncomfortable. so i rushed my way into the building, not knowing that victoria was close on my trail.

"rosie!" she called out my name from behind me and i turned around in the busy corridor, careful not to get knocked over by a rushing student, i smiled at her flatly as she walked closer to me. i expected her to stop, however she did not, she did not stop walking towards me until she was a few centimeters apart from me and her lips pressed against mine. before i could respond in any other way my first instinct when being kissed by her was to kiss her back, so, that's what i did. i kissed her back for a few seconds, my eyes falling shut before i could realise what was happening. 

victoria was kissing me.


in public.

where the time went- chloe priceWhere stories live. Discover now