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i wanted to go straight to the prescott's home after reading the letter, but chloe tugged on my wrist, holding me back, begging me to stay as i was too confused, angry and upset to even get behind the wheel right now. she pulled me back onto the bed once i gave up fighting her. she sat at the head of the bed, resting her back against the wall and i placed my head onto her lap, her fingers stroked through my hair for house as my tears soaked through her shorts onto her thighs.

we stayed there until the sun set, only moving to settle into bed, my head now resting on her chest as her fingers drew patterns on my back, calming me down.

we stayed there until the sun rose the next morning, chloe groaning softly as she stretched out her legs and pulled me into her body tighter, i moved however she wanted me to.

"how'd you sleep?" she mumbled when she realised i was awake,
"i didn't," i whispered in return, my mouth dry and eyes burning,
"you could have woken me up, rosie," chloe defied, i shook my head,
"you need sleep too," i mumbled,
"i would have preferred to be awake with you,"
"i'll keep that in mind for next time," i looked up at her smiling softly, she shot one back down to me.
"i guess there's no point in me trying to stop you from going to the prescott's today?" she asked, i shook my head,
"no," i sat up stretching the crick in my neck out, "there's not,"
"can i at least come with you?" she asked, also sitting up with me, i shook my head softly,
"i think i need to do this alone," i whispered playing with the sheet that covered our bodies, i saw chloe nod from the corner of my eye before her hand landed on my thigh gently,
"i'm here if you need me," i wrapped my hand around hers,
"thank you," i whispered quietly, before turning my body to look at her with a soft smile, she returned one to me, it hardly reaching her crystal blue eyes that made my heart beat faster. "i'm sorry about yesterday,"
"please," chloe sighed with a soft laugh, "it's okay,"
"are you sure?"
"i'm sure," she spoke placing her hand on top of mine, which was on top of her other hand, causing her to lean forward, closer to me.
"are you sure?" i whispered again, shakily nervous with the closeness in proximity, chloe's eyes darted around my face quickly but landed on my lips so many times i lost count,
"i'm sure," she whispered in response, as we both moved closer together. our hot breaths mixing together as we both exhaled shakily, soon enough i fluttered my eyes closed and felt our noses brushing together, my bottom lip fell between both of hers and we kissed. my breathing stopped as we moved our lips together softly, her touch brushing against my lip as she kissed me, my hand snaking its way up to her neck as i pulled her in closer to me, her hands brushing against my hips before she held me, also pulling me in closer. i finally breathed as our kisses became more passionate, furious and lustful, her tongue soon enough brushing against mine, it wasn't long until she had stopped, moving away from me and her eyes awkwardly landing everywhere except for me,
"i'm sorry, it's just," she sighed, "mom and david are here," i nodded, wrapping my hand around hers,
"don't apologise for that, chloe,"
"i just don't want them to walk in," i leant forward, pressing a kiss to her cheek,
"i know, i get it," i smiled softly at her before i stood up from the bed, stretching my limbs out as it was the first time i had stood up today, "i should probably leave soon anyway,"
"are you sure you don't want me to come?" she asked sinking back down into the bed, pulling her phone out from under her pillow, i nodded as i slipped off my t shirt and threw on a clean one from my bag,
"yes chloe," i spoke finally pulling my hair out from the t shirt and brushing it out with chloe's brush,
"okay, just making sure," she replied with a coy smile before typing on her phone. i pulled my boots on and placed the letter into my bag before i slipped my jacket over my shoulders and stood at the end of chloe's bed,
"i'm gonna go," i spoke, anxiety suddenly coursing through my body as i realised what i was doing and where i was going. i inhaled deeply to calm my nerves and exhaled slowly, chloe crawled to the end of the bed and kneeled up closer to me, placing her hands on my arms,
"you're gonna be okay," she nodded, "i'm gonna have my phone on me, you call me if you need me and i will come," i nodded in response,
"okay," i whispered, "thank you," i picked up my tote bag from the floor and pulled it over my shoulder, my car keys in my hand. i turned around and started to walk out of the room,
"remember," chloe spoke once i opened the door, "call me if you need me."

where the time went- chloe priceWhere stories live. Discover now