my sun river.

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nathan and i waited until kate woke up, i sat with her in the bed she slept in, explaining what had happened last night and how she was safe here and nothing bad happened to her. she took the three advil's and drank the cup of water in a matter of seconds to get rid of her headache.

"i can't remember much from last night," she spoke softly, "but, i um... i do remember seeing you and victoria," i sighed deeply,
"kate," i whispered, "please, you can't tell anyone what happened,"
"who am i going to tell, rosie?" she laughed softly, "you're my only friend here," she looked up at me and my heart sunk, i suddenly wrapped her in a soft hug and she hugged me back,
"i'm glad you're my friend, kate,"
"me too, rosie," i pulled away from the hug and gave her a gentle smile,
"you ready to go back to your dorm?"
"yeah," she exhaled nervously, "did anyone see me last night?" she asked quietly, i shook my head,
"i don't think so."

nathan drove us to the dorms, leaving his car running in the carpark as i walked with kate to her dorm, my phone buzzed multiple times in my pocket but i needed to make sure kate was still doing okay, so i dropped her off and started to make my way out of the building. it was weird to be back here, walking past victoria's dorm left my stomach in knots and then realising that rachel's room was still empty made me feel dizzy.
"rosie," victoria's voice called out from behind me, i turned around in the empty hallway, all other students still asleep on a saturday morning. victoria was wrapped up in a pink fluffy dressing gown, her hair slightly messy and glasses on her nose,
"hey," i spoke once she was standing in front of me,
"last night," she sighed, "i- i didn't meant for that to happen,"
"it's okay, v," i nodded, "i know,"
"you're right though, i- i do need to think about it being a possibility a bit more seriously," she nodded as she spoke anxiously, looking down at the floor,
"i'm here if you need to talk about it,"
"thanks," she smiled stiffly, before her face turned into one of confusion, "what are you doing here anyway?"
"oh," i spoke, "just dropped kate off, she's a bit hung over," i laughed softly and victoria's face cracked into a smile too,
"yeah... she was really drunk last night. i mean, from what i've seen," i furrowed my brows,
"what did you see?"
"the video?" she spoke like i was missing something, i shook my head, "you haven't seen the video?"
"no, v, i haven't seen the video,"
"what happened in the video?" victoria smiled thinly at me before she pulled out her phone from the pocket of her dressing gown, tapping the screen a few times and then standing next to me, the screen now facing me. the audio quality of the video was terrible, being filmed in the gymnasium with the pounding music causing the audio to crackle and be muffled, the content of the video was even worse and my heart sunk as i watched kate drunkenly kiss multiple boys from the football team.

the video finished and victoria turned off her phone and put it back into her pocket, i stared at the ground as i tried to process what i just saw, i couldn't even believe that was kate, surely it wasn't. but it showed her face, her full face, it was kate.
"who took that?" i breathed out,
"zachary," she spoke with a soft giggle, my eyes shot up to her,
"it's not funny, victoria,"
"it is a little bit,"
"it's really not," i shook my head, "kate would be mortified if that was posted anywhere," victoria just stared at me for a moment and raised her brows softly, "please tell me that's not posted anywhere,"
"200 views as of 10 minutes ago," she said softly,
"oh my god," i breathed out, "can you delete it?"
"i didn't post it!" she spoke holding her hands up in defence, "i may think it's a bit entertaining but i actually told zachary not to post the video,"
"tell him to delete it, victoria," i spoke, crossing my arms over my chest, she looked me up and down briefly before looking back into my eyes,
"why? you enjoy it," she spoke, her tone suddenly changing into the victoria that everyone else knew,
"victoria," i sighed, "just do the right thing for once." i spoke before turning on my heel and exiting the dorm rooms, leaving victoria alone in the hallway and getting into nathan's car, he seemed frustrated that i had taken so long but i started to explain that i ran into victoria and she showed me the video,
"yeah, i just finished watching that," he spoke with no emotion as we drove off the school grounds, my phone buzzed in my pocket with more texts before i could reply.

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