digging for it.

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mark left to go to blackwell academy 15 minutes before i did and that gave me enough time to wash my face and brush out my hair, going to the school in the same clothes i was in yesterday. chloe sent me a text as i switched the engine of my car on, saying she was looking forward to having a meal with her mom again, but as i went to reply my phone glitched out and froze on the image i sent her last night, me being forced to stare at the contract that my dad and nathan's had signed.
i went to the academy that day with a task in mind, a task to find nathan and ask him what the fuck that contract was and if he knew anything about it. and as soon as i found him, leaning against his locker talking to a few of his team mates, i grabbed him and dragged him into the girls bathroom. he was confused and tried to ask me what was happening but my grip on his jacket was too tight and he gave up, allowing me to shove him into the room and close the door behind us,
"what the fuck, rosie!" he yelled as i turned around, bringing out my phone,
"do you know what this is?" i asked him as i held the screen up to him, showing him the photo i took, he took my phone from my hands and stared at the image, beginning the sake his head softly,
"n- no," he whispered handing my phone back to me, "i don't know what that is," he looked at me, genuinely confused, my heart slipped as i was desperate for answers, "i didn't know my dad even knew who mark was before he was in town," he shook his head, "and your dad too..."
"the money came out of my dad's account," i explained, "we never had that kind of money," i shook my head, "chloe-" i started, "chloe pointed out that the bunker's were paid for two weeks after my mom died..."
"you don't think that your dad..." he trailed off, not wanting to finish his sentence,
"he never said anything about life insurance," i sighed, "i don't know- i don't know what to do," nathan wrapped me into a hug, which i returned back to him,
"just come over after class okay?" he asked me and i nodded weakly, "my dad's out on a meeting tonight, we can go through his shit, find some answers," he spoke before backing away from me, i nodded weakly ready to open my mouth but the P.A system rang throughout the speakers, readying everyone for an announcement,
"rosemary bowers please make your way to principal wells' office immediately," the woman's voice spoke and nathan stared at me with confused eyes and furrowed brows, i stared at him with the same expression,
"do you want me to come?" he asked, i shook my head stiffly,
"no, go to class," i mumbled before fixing my bag on my shoulder and walking out of the bathroom, leaving him alone. almost everyone's eyes stayed on me as i moved towards the reception of the school, closing the large wooden doors behind me and pushing open wells' office doors once his assistant said he was waiting for me. i wish i never did.
i wish i never came to class today.
i wish i didn't wake up this morning.

"dad?" i whispered, my throat so tight it didn't allow my voice to come out any harder, he was standing in front of the chairs that sat before the large oak desk that wells was sitting behind,
"rosemary," he breathed,
"what- what are you doing here?" i stuttered, my heart rate rising suddenly and anger coursing through my veins as i looked at him,
"i'm here to bring you home,"
"i'm not," i shook my head, "i'm not leaving. i'm not going anywhere with you,"
"rosie," he spoke sternly his eyes suddenly becoming harsh, i shook my head again, but my eyes not meeting his, "you are coming back to seattle with me,"
"no. i'm not,"
"don't fight me on this," he sighed in frustration, "i've sacrificed too much for you not to come back," he spoke and i couldn't help but scoff softly, "i just want what's best for you... and this," he gestured to the space around him, "this is not that,"
"you don't know what's best for me,"
"trust me, rosemary," he said, "i really do... your mom would want you in seattle too,"
"don't-" i spat, "don't talk to me about her,"
"c'mon, r," he sighed angrily, "we're leaving,"
"no!" i retaliated, his hand suddenly wrapping around my wrist tightly, i winced in pain, "ow, dad,"
"mr. bowers, please, let go of your daughter," wells spoke for the first time since i entered the room, my dad suddenly let go of my wrist and i rubbed the red mark that surrounded it,
"i am not letting you stay here!" my dad suddenly yelled, "you will turn into your mother," i stared at him with wide angry eyes as he realised what he said, he rubbed his hands over his face, "i didn't mean it like that,"
"no," i shook my head, "i know what you meant. and the only way i would ever turn out like her, is if i stayed with you," i stepped away from him even more,
"rosie-" he moved closer but i shook my head,
"i know what you did to her, dad." i spat before turning on my heel and rushing out of the room, the door slamming behind me and my footsteps echoing throughout the empty hallways as i made my way down to the classroom that had started 10 minutes ago. my heart was pounding in my throat but i pushed open the door regardless of my anxiety,

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