does she know?

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i let out a soft groan the next morning when my phone was buzzing loudly under my pillow, i pried off chloe's arm that was draped over my chest as i fumbled for it, chloe also groaned lightly as she rolled over trying to not wake up. as soon as i found my phone i answered it,
"you okay?" i asked him, worried why he was calling me at quarter past 8 on a saturday morning,
"yeah," he spoke, "did you know that your dad was here?" he asked me, i sighed softly as i walked out of the bedroom, closing the door softly behind me and sitting on the staircase,
"yeah," i spoke quietly noticing that he hadn't corrected himself yet,
"well he's here, so..." nathan trailed off, "talking to my dad in his office,"
"please tell me you've been eavesdropping,"
"of course i have," he laughed, "i think you should get here incase i miss anything, though,"
"see you in 15." i spoke before i hung up my phone and walked back into chloe's bedroom, she was awake now, rubbing her eyes with the back of her hands as she laid in the bed,
"what's going on?" she mumbled,
"i uh," i stuttered as i slid on one of chloe's shirts, "i've just gotta go to nathan's," i looked up at her and her eyes were running over my legs, "i told him about his dad... so," i spoke, not telling her that my dad was also in town. that was another can of worms and i didn't have time to explain right now.
"oh shit," she leant up on her elbows, "is he okay?" she asked me, i nodded,
"i think so," i replied as i pulled my jacket over my arms, fixing my tote bag on my shoulder and making sure i had my car keys, swallowing the anxiety as i went.
"when will you be back?" she asked me, i shrugged,
"i'm not sure... i'll text you, okay?" i smiled softly as i walked towards the bed, she smiled back at me as i leant down,
"okay," she whispered before our lips connected, my bottom lip fitting between her two as we kissed, i pulled away before things got too heated. i wish i didn't, i wish i didn't have to but there wasn't a chair behind the door and my father was in town. so i swallowed my adolescent hormones and stepped away from her, bidding my farewells and heading towards nathan's house with my heart in my throat.

nathan and i stood against the wall that surrounded sean's office with empty glasses to our ears, aching our ears just to hear something, it all sounded like distant mumbles and i was ready to give up, stepping away from the wall until nathan's hand gripped onto my arm and he tugged me back towards it, i placed the glass back up to my ear and leant against the wall,
"your daughter has been coming to my house unannounced, peter," sean spoke with a disappointed tone, "she made caroline cry last time she left," my dad didn't reply for a moment, i knew that he was staring anxiously into sean's eyes, picking at the skin around his thumb like he always did when he was uncomfortable, "does she know?"
"no," my dad replied quickly, "i never told her about nathan. she's never suspected it,"
"right," sean grumbled, he coughed lightly before speaking again, "well, if she doesn't know about that, what's her reason for visiting so frequently?"
"you're acting like she's never been to your house before,"
"she's been here to hang out with your son. not with my ex wife, peter," sean almost spat,
"i-, i don't know what she's doing," my dad spoke shakily, intimidated by the other man,
"does she know?" he asked,
"know what?"
"about annabelle," sean spoke, my heart plumetted at the mention of my mom,
"no, no. jesus, no," my dad stuttered and i exhaled anxiously,
"have you ever said anything to her, peter?"
"no. i've haven't spoken about her mother to her since the funeral,"
"maybe your silence is telling her more," sean sighed in frustration,
"no. she hates her mom," he spoke confidently and i swallowed my tears, nathan's eyes landing sadly on mine, "rosie gets more uncomfortable than i do when she's bought up," we heard sean's laugh echo throughout the room quietly before he started speaking again,
"good," he replied and i heard my dad chuckle uncomfortably,
"what if she does know?" he asked suddenly,
"she couldn't,"
"but, what if she does, sean?"
"are you doubting me?"
"no, i just-"
"everything was done precisely. there's no evidence pointing towards what it really was, peter,"
"you've never been able to say it," my dad laughed softly,
"say what?"
"say what we did to her?"
"what you did to her,"
"we did it, sean,"
"no. you murdered your wife, peter. you cheated on your wife for 15 years, and then you murdered her. all for what? a cheap life insurance scam"

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