the comeback.

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i was frustratingly nervous the next morning when nathan and i pulled into the carpark of blackwell academy, i wish i had gotten at least another hours notice that i would be returning to the school i had abandoned two years ago, but we were here now and my hands were shaking slightly. nathan reached over the glovebox once he switched of the engine of his car, his hand wrapping around mine soothingly,
"you good?" he asked, i nodded quickly before unbuckling my seat belt and grabbing my bag from the floor,
"yeah," i breathed out gently before looking up at him. his blue eyes were open wide as he egged me for more words, "just weird to be here again," i smiled thinly at him, he gave me a short nod,
"well i can assure you that it hasn't fucking changed," he spoke as we got out of the car, i slammed the door behind me just as the cold air started to nip at my bare ankles, "even chase,"
"seriously?" i groaned softly as we started walking towards the main building, people moving out of nathan's way as he walked with his head down and hands in his pockets, "i thought at least a bit of character development was needed,"
"not for her," he responded with a dry laugh, "she's as draining and emotional as she was two years ago, somehow even more angry than before." i scoffed softly as we avoided students who were playing with the water out of the water fountain, nathan mumbled some curse words under his breath when he was splashed lightly, thankfully i was on the other side of the fountain and i avoided the water but i still managed to laugh softly at nathan's fate.
"well," an annoying familiar voice spoke, stopping us in our tracks as she stood in front of us. nathan was right, she really hadn't changed at all, maybe just grown a few inches taller, "i can definitely say i didn't expect to see you here, rosemary," victoria spoke looking at me, i smiled at her thinly,
"wish i could say the same," i responded dryly, nathan laughed gently before walking away from the situation which i cursed him for as i watched him walk into the building,
"i was hoping i scared you off," she spoke with her arms folded across her chest,
"what you did to me was heartless, but it got the job done, v," i responded with raised brows and she pushed out a laugh, i stepped towards her, her body now inches away from mine, "but you need to remember, that i now have nothing stopping me from telling people how you discovered my little secret, victoria," i spoke sternly and managed to watch her face mould into one of fear before i pushed past her and walked up the stairs, entering the main building of blackwell academy.

i spotted nathan leaning against the lockers and scrolling through his phone, a few familiar eyes landing on mine and giving me a soft smile.
"you survived another ruthless attack," nathan exclaimed once he saw me, i laughed softly before rolling my eyes,
"i don't know how you're friends with her, nathan,"
"i'm not. she's just friends with me," he responded as we started to walk down the hallway together, "oh! my dad sent the professor an email about you, he included some of your work in it,"
"no... seriously? that stuff's old," i responded, embarrassed that the professor's first impressions of me was with my awful photography from two years ago.
"gives you more room for improvement," he shrugged, "shock the guy," nathan responded as we neared the classroom, he pushed open the door and we entered the room that was filled with desks and chairs that i remember sitting at so long ago.
"nathan, i didn't expect you to be here on time let alone be here early," a deep voice spoke from the teacher's desk as we walked into the room, the door closing behind us,
"i have a delivery," nathan spoke with a monotone voice as he stepped aside, revealing me to the teacher who was leaning against the heavy wooden desk. his glasses were perched on his nose and hair styled to look messy and relaxed, he looked familiar but i couldn't quite pin point it.
"you must be rosemary," he stood up straight and walked towards me, his strong aftershave filling my senses before he reached out his hand towards me, i shuffled my belongings before placing my hand in his and shaking it firmly, his fingers wrapping around my palm strongly as my hand disappeared in his.
"i'm mark jefferson. i just finished reading the email that sean sent me," he looked at nathan briefly before his dark eyes landed back on mine, "you are quite the talent, rosemary," i furrowed my brows in confusion as i shook my head, embarrassed,
"that shit's really old," i replied softly, he laughed gently before turning away from me and walking back towards his desk,
"well," mark responded sitting down at his desk, "i guess you will have to show me more recent work then."

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