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i didn't know what i was doing here, i didn't know why i had driven here instead of going to chloe's, my hands were numb as i knocked on the door loudly, the night time wind winding through the arcadia bay forrest and rustling the trees. it didn't take long until he answered the door, his expression softened once he saw me and he asked if i was okay, i nodded, my expression not carrying through with that as he stared at me, concerned.

he bought me inside, i sat down on the couch and watched him light the fire in front of me, the heat immediately seeping into my cold bones. i still couldn't figure out why i was here. i was confused, and i was upset and i felt unbelievably stupid.

my mind kept drifting to the day i found out that i had gotten my scholarship at blackwell. my dad arrived home from work and knocked on my bedroom door lightly, i let him in and when he came in he was sporting a large smile, he showed me the letter and i hugged him. for the first time in years i had hugged him and i was happy doing it.
and it was all still a lie.

mark sat down next to me on the couch, handing me a glass of honey flavoured liquid, i looked up at him with humoured eyes,
"you look like you need a drink,"
"i'm underage," i replied,
"just one," he spoke and i rose the glass to my lips, pouring the liquid into my mouth and swallowing it all in a matter of seconds, "maybe,"
"thanks," i mumbled, feeling the alcohol already attack my limbs as they started to feel fuzzy, i stared down at the plush carpet below and breathed in shallow breaths,
"are you okay?" he asked me, his deep caring voice resonating with me,
"yeah," i nodded honestly, knowing that i was feeling a bit better with the alcohol in my system as i was sitting in mark's home. "do you think i'm smart?" i asked him, feeling like a child as i peered up at him. his eyebrows furrowed but he nodded softly,
"yeah," he whispered, "yeah," he repeated with a stronger voice, "you're incredibly talented, rosie," he spoke and i gave him a gentle smile, it didn't carry up to my eyes and he frowned softly at me, placing his large hand on my forearm, "what's going on?"
"my dad paid sean prescott to give me a scholarship at blackwell," i mumbled, embarrassed at how childish it sounded out loud, "i thought i got there by myself. i thought i was smart enough to get a scholarship. but my dad just lied to me," i sighed, "again," i said as i leant forward, his hand falling off my body as i opened the bottle of whiskey again and filling my glass almost to the rim and bringing it to my lips, swallowing the warm liquid. mark didn't stop me, he just watched me,
"i'm sorry, rosie," he sighed sadly, his warm hand landing back on my body soothingly, this time on my thigh, i took a long sip from my cup again, trying to destroy the feelings flushing my body. the alcohol now reaching my head as i started to feel light headed, "my dad was the same," he spoke and i looked up at him,
"yeah," he laughed softly, "i don't think there was ever a day where he didn't lie to me," he spoke, "everything he said and did had a motive behind it,"
"oh," i mumbled, not knowing what to say as his words resonated with me. it was starting to make sense why i came here, mark understood me. he understood how i felt, how it felt to be lied to and manipulated by the people around you. he cared about me because he knew how i was feeling. "thanks for, um-" i sniffed, "thanks for letting me in," i smiled softly at him, "i don't know why i came here," i spoke with a soft laugh,
"yes you do."

it started as his long fingers brushed the inside of my thigh soothingly, i thought it was an accident but he kept doing it, i didn't stop him, i wanted to but i didn't. but he let me into his house at 10pm, he let me drink his alcohol and he cared for me, so i kissed him. i leant up and i pressed my lips against his, his 5 o'clock shadow brushing against my skin. my limbs were numb and my brain was fuzzy, but the more he pulled me in closer to him the more air pushed against the shirt i was wearing, chloe's perfume rushing up into my nose. i thought i was there with her, i thought she was here but then i would open my eyes and through the drunken haze i would see his eyes, his hands, his body and i would close my eyes again, wanting it to be her. he tried to take my shirt off, but i stopped him, wanting it to stay on, not wanting to loose chloe.

where the time went- chloe priceWhere stories live. Discover now