unconscious ramblings.

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i was nervous. i was beyond nervous. my hands were sweating and i felt nauseous but i had always wanted to come here and i was so lucky to get a scholarship to blackwell academy, so i inhaled deeply and placed my notebook on my desk.
i didn't really know many people here very well apart from nathan. there were a few familiar faces but none of them seemed to recognise me. i knew that the girl i went to acting classes with was here, we had each other on facebook but we weren't friends like we used to be. i hoped i would see her just so i had someone to talk to, but i knew how popular she was and that she would have other friends and probably wouldn't care about seeing me again.
class was starting soon as i was beginning to curse myself for arriving so early someone sat down next to me,
"hi," she spoke, i looked up at her with a soft smile but as soon as my eyes landed on her i didn't know if i had been overtaken by nervousness or by the colour of her eyes. my stomach exploded into a ball of butterflies,
"hi," i smiled back at her before looking down at the desk again, trying to hide my blushing cheeks,
"your mom's annabelle right?" she asked and i looked up at her, furrowing my brows softly before nodding,
"our mom's work together, at the diner,"
"oh," i nodded, "i thought you looked familiar," she smiled softly at me before looking down and leaning into her chai more comfortably. the warm glow of the sun streaming through the large windows casting a soft light across her face, lighting up the blue in her eyes and making the gentle dusting of freckles across her nose more prominent, the soft fawn colour of them matching her hair.
"you're rosie, right?" she asked, i nodded,
"i'm chloe."

almost as quickly as the memory had started. it ended.
i struggled to open my eyes, feeling like they had anchors tied to them, but once i did manage to get them opened, i regretted it almost immediately when i saw him in front of me, his face hidden behind his camera.
"do you need more, rosemary?" he spoke lowly as he pulled the camera down, my eyes were burning and watering as i tried to keep them open, he hummed lowly before speaking again, "actually, stay like that," he bought the camera back up, the beep from the device sounding just before the bright flash seared my eyes, i shut them in defence and immediately drifted away again.

"bye!" i called out to her across the busy lounge room as the music blasted from the stereo set up in the bookshelves- her father would definitely be unimpressed about this if he ever found out that the 'small get together' she was having turned into half of the academy turning up to the ranch styled home. i watched as her eyes caught mine, i stopped in place as she held up her hand to me- signalling me to stop in my steps, she walked over to me with a drink in her hand and once she reached me i felt chloe's presence leave mine, slamming the front door behind her and trapping the warm summer air in,

"what the fuck is wrong with her?" she asked me once she was standing in front of me, her auburn hair hanging over her shoulder delicately, somehow not getting tangled in her blue earring. i just shrugged and gave her an apologetic smile,
"i don't know,"
"god. just, fucking talk to her or something," rachel spoke, i pushed out a soft laugh,
"i'll try but she's been kinda weird,"
"she's staying at yours again tonight right?" rachel asked, i nodded,
"talk to her, please," she pleaded with me, drunkenly dragging out the 'e' in please. i nodded with a soft laugh as i walked towards her, wrapping my arms around her neck softly and i felt her arms wrap around my waist as she pulled me into a tight hug,
"drive safe, text me when you get home ok?" she spoke to me,
"i will, rachel," i reassured her and smiling gently at her as i pulled away from the hug,
"love you," she leant down and pressed a gentle kiss to my cheek before telling me to 'get the fuck out of her house and make sure that chloe isn't outside dying'. i waved her off with a soft laugh as i exited the home, watching her laugh in response before bringing the bottle of alcohol to her lips and quickly returning to her party and adoring guests.

where the time went- chloe priceWhere stories live. Discover now