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"Eddie you home?" Sarah Drake asked knocking on her best friends door.
She sighed as she was going to leave, but stopped herself as the door opened.
"What is it Sarah? I'm trying to spend my time with Anne,"
"Oh.... I know. Umm.... Here are the documents you wanted on my big brother. He's going to kill me if he finds out Eddie so I'd need those back ASAP before he finds out it's missing,"
"Yeah sure of course.... Thanks Sarah you always come through for me,"
"Hey that's what best friends are for right?"
"Yeah hey.... Do you need a ride home? It would be ashamed if you had to walk all the way back home,"
"No no it's okay really. I like walking,"
Eddie shook his head.
"Come on it's the least I could do. Besides it's dangerous for a girl like yourself to be out here in the dark alone,"
"You sure your fiance wouldn't mind? She doesn't like me very much,"
Eddie laughed.
"Yeah only because she's to stubborn to realize were best friends nothing more. I'll be out in a minute," Eddie says closing the door as Sarah sighed.
Sarah Drake was Colton Drake's little sister, but in reality she feared her brother. He's way too protective of her, literally has eyes on her wherever she went, and not to mention if she were to disrespect him in anyway he'd teach her a harsh lesson on it. Nobody knew what Drake does to her when she's home alone with him, there are only rare times like these when she was able to sneak out and see her best friend. She's going to dread going back home, at least with walking she could take her time.
"THAT WHORE!" She heard screaming from inside as Sarah flinched.
A sound of glass breaking was also heard. "WHY DONT YOU GO MARRY HER INSTEAD?!"
"IM JUST DRIVING HER HOME! SHES MY BEST FRIEND NOTHING MORE!" Eddie screamed back at her as she heard a slap.
"Take her home and you'll never come back," she hissed before she heard heels walking away.
Eddie opened up the door with an embarrassed face.
"It's okay I'll walk. See you later," she told him before walking away.

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