Chapter Six

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Running was all Sarah could think about. She had some how made it outside but the guards were still following behind her. She ran to the forest as they were shouting at her, and shooting at her at the same time but she didn't stop. She wondered if Eddie was okay after all of this. Sarah screamed in pain as she dropped to the ground when she felt something hit the back of her leg. She had grasped her leg as the pain was almost unbearable. She knew she had been shot.

"Sarah Drake, you've caused a lot of hell for us and no doubt Doctor Drake will give us each an award and promotion," one of the guards chuckled as he grabbed hold of her hair.

Sarah hissed and tried to make the man let go, but he had stepped on her injured leg causing her to scream out in pain as tears made its way to her eyes as he took out his phone and dialed a number.

"Dr. Drake we have her," was all he said before hanging up.

The man began dragging Sarah to a car as she struggled and tried her best to get away from him, despite the pain and amount of blood lost on her leg.

"LET HER GO!" Sarah could hear the sound of her best friend say as he suddenly jumped down from a tree.

"EDDIE RUN YOU IDIOT!" She shouted as shots were being fired but this time at her best friend.

What she saw next shocked her, instead of Eddie getting hit a big, giant black thing came out of him with white eyes and what looked to be a muscular body. The beast roared as he had a long tongue that came out of his mouth.

"Now it's not very nice to handle a woman like that," he said in a deep, growling voice that Sarah found somewhat soothing to her. "The girl is mine," he growled out attacking the guards as bodies and blood began spilling and piling everywhere.

The last one that was left was the man holding her as he trembled in fear.

"S-Stay back! STAY BACK OR I'LL SHOOT!" He shouted pulling on Sarah's hair tighter as a metal gun was placed on her head.

The things arm stretched out as it grabbed onto the man as he grinned at him.

"You look good enough to eat," he says before bitting off his head and tossing his body to the ground.

That was the last thing Sarah saw before she blacked out.


Venom tilted his head to the side as he dropped the body and made his way over to the passed out girl.

'Who are you' Eddie's voice screeched out his ears but Venom ignored it making his way over to the fallen female.

To say the least she was beautiful despite her broken and injured leg. She had long light brown hair that flowed down her back, a nice structured body, but also a peaceful look on her face despite everything that's happened. Venom researched the girl through Eddie's mind and found out that this was his best friend Sarah Drake related to Carlton Drake. He growled at the name and picked the girl up.

'Sarah' Eddie thought worried as Venom began running with the girl in his hands.


When Sarah woke up the sounds of munching could be heard. She groaned as she realized she was on the couch and the apartment was in a mess with food everywhere. She was for sure she was dead, or captured yet looking down at her leg she noticed it was perfectly healed.

"Eddie?" Sarah called sitting up as Eddie came over to her as he had an uncooked chicken bone in his hand.

"Oh Hey Sarah I'm glad your alright. You remember that big beast that was inside me? Yeah his name's Venom and he's really, extremely cool. He talks in my mind and he carried you back in here. He even went so much as to crawl in your body and healed your leg wound. He's been asking about you a lot already though, that part I don't understand,"

"What? Wait I'm confused, his name's Venom? And he's the big black looking creature who destroyed all those bodies and bit that dudes head off?"

"Yes that was me. Eddie do not answer that door," a black thing says coming out of Eddie's back.

His pure white eyes struck Sarah's as he looked at her in curiosity but soon went back inside of him as Eddie opened the door as soon as it rang. Guards came in everywhere with guns pointed at both of us as they both put up there hands but Eddie was acting weird as he kept putting his hands up and down several times.

"Where's the symbiote Eddie?" A guard asks as another spoke into an ear speaker.

"Mr. Drake yes we found her. Yes she's with him copy that," he says and the next thing she knew she was being electrocuted as her whole world once again went black and the last thing she heard was Eddie screaming her name.


A/N: 100 something views? Are you serious in like a week? Lol I didn't even think this story would make it. But I'd like to thank the people for commenting and voting means alot! So I made venom show up early and meet Sarah. Anyways till next time, thanks again!

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