Chapter Thirteen

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After a silent ride to Eddie's, Sarah had got all the cotton candy she had bought out of the bag and made her way to Eddie's apartment. She took a deep breath as she only had to knock once before the door swung open revealing a pissed off Eddie Brock who let her in and slammed the door shut as she jumped at the sudden loud noise.


"I'm sorry. I really am Eddie, but I made sure Venom behaved himself the whole time. We were just having fun together and we're a couple it's what we do,"

"Sarah you don't get the point, I was worried as hell for the both of you all day. And Venom could have gotten super hungry, or seen something he wasn't supposed too and morph out. What would you have done then Sarah? Venom could have been on the news and both of you could have gotten captured. Look, I'm happy for y'all relationship, I really am but you can't go off without me knowing where your going alright?"

"Okay Eddie I'm sorry okay?" Sarah please as he shook his head.

"Sarah, I-I can't let you see Venom anymore,"

Before she had time to reply, her body began morphing into Venom as he hissed at Eddie.

"She is ours. You will not take her from us," Venom hissed out as Eddie placed his hands up in surrender.

"Woah hey V, were friends remember? Look I just think maybe you don't need to spend so much time with her ya know. Just.... For a few days? You guys aren't that intimate yet right?"

"Eddie listen. I know you are jealous of our personal relationship and I know you think I don't spend anymore time with you but.... But Sarah is different. She's kind, sweet, adorable.... She doesn't treat me like a monster or a loser, I've never felt these strange feelings towards anyone before. Not even back on my planet, this is new to me Eddie and I enjoy exploring my feelings to this human,"

"So, despite everything we've been through your choosing her over me man?"

"No Eddie, I'm saying I won't stay away from her. I'll take a break for some nights. Is that better? Besides Eddie, we can have both I don't have to choose which one I want most," she Venom says as he walks up to him and places a pair of lips on his own. Shocked to do anything, Sarah slowly retreated back to her own self as Venom fully went back inside of Eddie. Realizing this, Sarah gasped and pulled away.

"Eddie I-I that wasnt me,"

"Ummm.... Yeah I-I know Sarah,"

"So.... I'm just going to go. Oh here, before I forget, it's Venom's new thing now since I introduced it too him," she told him placing the bags worth of cotton candy in his hands.

"Thanks," he mumbled looking away from her. "Hey.... That kiss ummm-"

"T-That was V. I couldn't stop him from doing so. Again sorry about that. Gotta run," she said before running out of his apartment.


"Dude what the hell?" Eddie asked flinging his arms everywhere.

'I just helped you out. We don't mind sharing Sarah if it's with you'

"Man, I don't like her that way. Not like you do,"

"Lies Eddie. You've been into Sarah for awhile. I see your fantasies with her and honestly, I hate you for them but I can't help but admire them as well. Sarah is very sweet tasting'

"Dude TMI man, you had sex with her?"

'Perhaps, I got first taste. That's why we let you kiss her Eddie, she feels the same towards you but is having an awkward time with it'

"And your okay with this? Thought you were possessive of her?"

'We are. But like I said, I don't mind sharing if it's you' Venom responded as Eddie's phone began ringing.

"Speak of the Devil," Eddie says holding up his phone answering after the third ring.

"Sarah, what's wrong?"

"EDDIE, EDDIE, EDDIE!" She screamed frequently causing Venom to pop out with a worried expression.

The sound of screeching tires were heard s in the background.

"Sarah, what's wrong? What's happening?!"

"These guys.... Eddie these guys in a white and black van are chasing me!"

"Sarah, where are you? Venom and I will come get you,"

A scream along with a loud crash was heard as the line suddenly went dead.

"Sarah! Sarah! V, we gotta go!"

"Right ahead of you," Venom responds transforming as we left the apartment in a hurry.

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