Chapter Sixteen

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*Sorry guys didn't know what chapter I was really on lol but this is now sixteen*

"Look at you so pathetic and weak without your host," Rigabeard said as he held Venom up in the air.

Rigabeard slowly brought Venom towards him to suck him up inside of him and absorb his powers and his mind. Before Venom could enter, Rigabeard found himself unable to move any further.

"WHAT? IMPOSSIBLE! HOW CAN A HUMAN GIRL RESIST ME?!" Rigabeard shouted as he was struggling to take ahold of Venom.

Suddenly Sarah appeared under the mask as she was still holding the symbiote off.

"V-VENOM! GO! GO TO EDDIE NOW!" She yelled throwing Venom back over to Eddie before the Symbiote took over once again.

"STUPID GIRL!" Rigabeard shouted plunging a tendril inside of himself.

"I'll make sure it heals slowly too,"

"SARAH!" Venom screamed kicking Rigabeard down to the ground.

"You've become so weak Venom! Falling for a human, saving humans, you forget who you truly are,"

"No, I know who I am. We are Venom," he says before grabbing onto Rigabeard's head and smashing it hard on the concrete floor.

Rigabeard only laughed as he grabbed Venom by the neck and hosted him back up by the throat.

"You can't beat me Venom, never have and never will,"

"That's where your wrong. We are taking back what's ours," Venom said smirking as a loud Alarm went off causing Rigabeard to drop Venom as they both covered there ears and started glitching.

Rigabeard and Venom were both ripped away from there hosts as Sarah fell to the ground with a wound in her stomach. Eddie having the courage crawled over to Venom once somebody turned off the alarm.

"SARAH!" Venom shouted kneeling down towards her and picking her small frame up. "Sarah, speak to me come on. Tell me your still alive,"

"V-Venom," Sarah said in a weak voice.

"Sarah, I'll get you out of here I promise. Then the three of us will get away from this shit town,"

"V, I-I-"

"You are a fool," Venom heard Rigabeard say as glass shattered.

Venom noticed he was in another host as Anne disappeared as well.


"No Venom your the idiot, you don't even realize what they've done to her,"

"What do you mean?"

"Well they were injecting her with all kinds of poisons and diseases knowing I'd heal her and make her stronger. I was only 50% done with healing her body. With me gone she'll die,"


"But you'd have to finish me off first," Rigabeard said before shooting a tendril at Venom.

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