Chapter Eleven

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"Venom quit it," Sarah groaned giggling as she pushed the floating head away from her.

"We can't help it. You are too cute," Venom responds grinning as he licked her cheek.

"Okay this is beyond freaky," Eddie complained groaning as Sarah giggled again.

"Please Eddie don't be jealous. I better get home though,"

"Don't leave Sarah, please," Venom begged pouting at her as he layed his head down on her lap.

After the whole Carlton incident, Venom and Sarah have started seeing each other. Sarah had gotten her own place, seeing as how she didn't need to hide anymore and would give Eddie the privacy he needed. Venom and Sarah have been seeing each other for about a week, and she can't say she doesn't enjoy him. He's very protective of her over everything, yet sweet and caring when he wants to be. He's still learning about his feelings and emotions so he's doing the best he could to keep Sarah happy. Eddie on the other hand was finding this all to be weird for him since Venom is practically dating his best friend, and he'd never figure a symbiote and a Human could be in a relationship with one another.

"Come with me Ven, maybe we can have some delicate fun tonight,"

"Okay ewww like really Sarah?" Eddie groaned slouching on the couch.

"Sounds Interesting, Eddie would you let us be with Sarah tonight?"

"That's the fourth night in a row man. When are you and I going to be back on track? Why keep me as a host when you can have Sarah?"

"Because we are a warrior and being in a female body is.... Weird to say the least. Come on Eddie please,"

"Go ahead you big softie. Get the girl," Eddie smiled as She extended her hand and Venom enters inside of her.

Venom immediately popped out from her back and looked at Eddie.

"I'll stay tomorrow night promise Eddie," Venom promises before retreating back in Sarah.

"Do you have to live so far?" Venom complained in her head as Sarah was walking down the street.

"It's only 10 minutes away V. What can go wrong?"

"You are a girl. A pretty one at that, men could be lerking around waiting for me to eat them before they touch you" he growled possessively.

"V, I enjoy your protectiveness but I-"

"Stop," he suddenly says hulting her to a stop.

"What's wrong?" She whispers trying to turn her head but Venom wouldn't let her.

"Were being followed. I sense arousal on him as well,"

"Do you know who he is?"

"No, but I could lose him, then again I am hungry. Lure him into the alleyway. Act seductive,"

"V, I don't approve of this,"

"It'll be quick promise,"

"Fine," she whispered and continued walking as she made a turn in the alleyway and waited for the man to find her.

It didn't take long for him to as he spotted her in the alleyway a distance from her.

"Hey baby," the man slurred stumbling towards her.

"Hey there tiger whats a big man like you doing following me around?"

"I saw how beautiful you were and I just have to have you. You made me so hard I'm leaking in my pants when I spotted you. Care to help?" The man asks taking off his belt.

The man was now right in front of her with his pants down his ankles as she smirked.

"Get to it baby, "

"My pleasure," she responds but not in her voice as it was Venom who was taking over her.

The man shivered in fear as Venom picked him up.

"Looks juicy," he says. "Sorry but the girl is mine," Venom hisses as he took the man in his mouth and ate him whole before retreating back to Sarah who only threw up in the process.

"Sorry too much?"  Venom asks once she finishes.

"Yeah. Let's just go home bae,"

"You are sexy when you call me that," Venom comments causing Sarah too blush.

"V, stop your making me blush," she giggled once she entered into her apartment and went inside. "Okay what should we do- OOOF!" Sarah screamed as she was suddenly pushed on to the couch as Venom came out from around her.

"Mine," he growls reaching out to lick her cheek.

"Venom you can't wait?" She asks grinning.

"No, want to make you feel good. I read up on human sex on the interweb. I know the places that'll make you scream," Venom hisses tearing off her shirt.

"W-Wait this is my first time with.... With an... Alien. I-I don't-"

"Shh. Let me take care of the woman I love," he says before crashing his lips on hers.

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