Chapter One

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"Hey so listen Sarah man there's things we gotta talk about," Eddie told the brunette that was next to him walking him to work.

"Yeah what's up?" She asked taking a sip of her morning coffee.

"Listen umm.... It's Anne. Look you know I love you because your my best friend and we've known each other forever but she doesn't want me to hang out with you anymore," he tell her nervously as Sarah Drake stopped walking with him, causing him to stop as well.

"Oh. Any reason why?"

"She thinks I'm in love in love with you ya know? Not love you as a best friend. She threatened to leave me if I didn't stop hanging around you. Don't take it personally but it's just the way things have to be ya know,"

"Yeah okay I get it. Don't worry.... It's not like your my only friend or anything," Sarah snapped before walking away.

"Sarah.... Sarah come on!" Eddie tried to call out for her but Sarah wasn't having it as tears were pooling down her eyes.
Sarah have known Eddie since childhood... And it pains her to see that he would rather choose a woman who he barely even knows over her. When Sarah reached home she noticed how quiet it was and thank God for that. Her brother left for work and she really didn't want to deal with him. Sarah is usually forced to work with her brother, so he can keep a sharp eye out for her, but today she just decided not too go in. Mainly because Eddie just ended their friendship and she didn't wanna see Carlton's annoying face. So, instead Sarah had spent her day reading a book, watching movies and eating Ice cream. It was around 3 when she finally checked her phone that's been ringing all day. She noticed she had several missed calls from Eddie and several missed calls from Carlton.

"SARAH!" She heard a loud shout and a door slam indicating that her brother was home. "SARAH DRAKE YOU GOT TILL 5 TO GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE! I AM NOT IN THE MOOD!" Carlton shouted as Sarah quickly got out of bed and was at the foot of the stairs.

"Hey big brother,"

"Don't hey me where the hell have you been today? I've been calling you all day long! I told you whenever I call you you answer do you need a lesson?" Carlton threatened as Sarah shook her head tears pooling down her face.

"I-I was at home today. I know I was supposed to be working but I just lost my best friend over some girl,"

Carlton began laughing as he was heading upstairs.

"You? You don't have any friends. I'm your only friend understand?" He says reaching towards her as she nodded her head. "So tell me little sister, what's the real reason you didn't come to work or answer my calls?"

"I-I didn't want to see you. I don't need to be around you- AHHH!" Sarah shouted falling to the floor as Carlton had back handed her.

Tears stung her eyes as she held onto her stinging cheek.

"We are never to be apart. You are going to stay with me until the day we both die! Now come with me. We're going to be taking a nap together,"

"But I-"

"I said we're taking a nap together. Or do you want to get beaten instead?" He asked as Sarah shook her head.

"Let's take a nap," she responds getting up from the floor and grasping his outstretched hand.

Carlton smiled as he kissed her good cheek.

"I love you ya know.... I only do the things I do to protect you. I don't want to see you hurt. Say that you love me," Carlton says just as they reached his bedroom.


"SAY IT!" He shouted in her face causing tears in her run down her face.

"I-I love you Carlton," she responds as he smiled and brought her into a hug.

"There..... There that wasn't so bad after all now was it? Come it's been a long day for both of us," he says letting go of her as he brought her to bed with him and wrapped his arms around her waist.

Carlton nuzzled into her neck as silent tears were running down her face.


A/N: so this is the new Venom story I'm making. Saw the movie, loved it, and now I wanna make a story. Since I only saw it once it won't follow the movie much but I hope it's still good. Not a fan of abusiveness but since Drake's the bad guy I figured it would fit in with the story. Anyways fill free to tell me what you think, and vote. Love you guys!

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