Chapter Five

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"What do you think?" Eddie asked as the two were walking down the street.

"Bad idea.... What if Carlton catches me in the process?"

"I never said you were coming with,"

"What? And leave you alone? Eddie I know the place you don't,"

"But- but....," Eddie trailed off looking up as a frown was on his face.

Sarah looked up as well and noticed that it was a cat he was looking at.

"Eddie?" A familiar voice sounded as a car door closed.

Sarah turned and saw that it was Anne as she rolled her eyes.

'Typical' she thought.

"Anne hey," Eddie says as she smiles.

"What are you doing here?"

"Umm..... Sarah and I were just-"

"Still with Eddie I see," Anne says getting ready to walk in the house but Eddie stopped her.

"Anne I promise you with my life that Sarah and I have nothing going on. She's just a friend,"

"There are several reasons why I don't like that bitch you call best friend. The only thing I'm certain of is I don't want her near my house again,"

"Such a slut Anne. I'm going home Eddie,"

"Sarah..... SARAH!" Eddie called but Sarah just kept walking away.


Sarah was at the San Francisco bridge enjoying the view as her hair wiped around due to the wind.

"Sarah," she heard her name being called as she turned around to see Eddie jogging towards her. "Sarah Jesus Christ I had went home and you weren't there. I thought Carlton had got to you and I started panicking, then I thought wait only one other place she could be. Here," he says out of breath.

"I'm sorry Eddie. Anne just pissed me off like always. And not too mention I was the reason why you guys-"

"Don't Sarah. I keep telling you it's not your fault,"

She sighed.

"Guess your right," she says as he was standing next to her and taking out the card Dora had given him.

"Your thinking about calling her,"

"Yeah. Yeah I am. Sarah this is one shot of me getting my job back. I gotta have proof of what your brother's doing, but seriously I don't want you coming with me,"

"Eddie I'm coming even if it means Carlton will find me. I go wherever you go,"


"Don't worry about me Eddie I'll be fine. You've done enough for me. We're in this together. Go call Dora,"

"Hey Sarah,"


"Umm..... Awkward moment I know but you know how sometimes best friends end up kissing just once? I kinda want that one kiss. Not sure if this will be the last time I see you and uhhh-"

Sarah chuckled as she leaned in to kiss Eddie. To say the least it was weird, almost forced and unbearable as she pulled away a minute later.

"That was-"

"That was weird yeah. Ummm...."

"Let's just not speak of that yeah?"

"Agreed," she replied smiling at her best friend.


"Duck you two," Dora says as the two were in her car going towards the life foundation.

Dora showed the guards her ID as they let her in. Once inside the place Dora began explaining everything to the duo as she led them to a familiar door Sarah knew all too well. Dora stopped rambling when a guard was coming by and she ushered them inside the lab.

"Jesus what has my brother done?" Sarah asked herself as she looked around while Eddie was taking pictures.

There were dead symbiotes inside the cages as well as dead bodies as Sarah let out a gasp.

"Hey Sarah listen everything is okay," Eddie says grabbing her hand as the two saw somebody inside one of the cages. Eddie took a picture of the woman who was rocking back and forth and they proceeded to leave but turned around when they heard banging.

"MARIA!" Both Eddie and Sarah shouted as she continued on banging while Eddie went to look for something.

Sarah placed her hand on the device that opened the door but it only triggered an alarm as Maria's pounding only grew louder.

"MARIA HOLD ON!" Eddie shouts finding a fire extinguisher and banging it against the door until it opened.

Maria turned to Sarah as she quickly jumped on her and began holding her neck tight.

"M-M-Maria it's me..... Sarah," she gasped out.

"HEY!" Eddie shouted hitting Maria in the back of the head with the fire extinguisher.

All it did was make her angry as she turned away from Sarah and jumped at Eddie.

"EDDIE!" Sarah shouted trying to rip Maria off of him.

Sarah gasped when she saw something climb out of Maria's body and into Eddie's and as soon as that happened she collapsed on the ground.

"Maria?" The duo said at the same time.

"No, no, no Maria. Come on wake up,"

"Eddie we have to leave,"

"Your right come on," he says grabbing onto her hand as the two ran out of the lab but guards were everywhere.



"Eddie on count of three we split,"

"What? No,"

"One, two-"

"SARAH NO!" Eddie shouted as she ran in another direction.

"AFTER HER!" Some guards yelled running after her while Eddie had a few as he too began running away.

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