Chapter Seven

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Sarah began stirring around as her eyes opened to meet milky white ones who was running away. She screamed and quickly got out of his arms, causing her to tumble to the ground.

"You idiot," he hissed out as Sarah groaned in pain.

"What happened? Where are we?"

"In an ally. After they shocked you I told Eddie we had to leave but he insisted on me saving you. They couldn't take both of us so my original plan was to leave you there but Eddie wouldn't allow it,"

"Well aren't you a heartless monster. Anyways I don't need your help 24/7, give back Eddie,"

"I'm not all that heartless you know. I may be a loser on my planet like he is, but I'm not heartless. Anyways I need fuel in the tank and I think you'll do just fine. After all you are Drake's sister,"

"Woah, woah hey now we're amongst friends right? I mean why go through all the trouble of saving me just to eat me?"

"Because Eddie wouldn't allow me too. Now that he's silent I could eat you. Besides you look really, really tasty," he says stretching out his arm and wrapping it around her neck as he pulled her towards him.

"EDDIE!" She screamed, but just before the symbiote could eat her, a drone came out from next to them as Venom quickly moved them out of the way as it exploded. Venom growled and dropped her.

"You got lucky! Next time now come we must leave,"

"Got Lucky?! YOU TRIED TO EAT ME!"

"Get over it either come on or be left with your brother,"

"Fine. Bring back Eddie first, I trust him more than you at the moment,"

"Stubborn human," he grumbled before turning back to Eddie who was on the motorcycle they found asleep.

"EDDIE!" Sarah screamed out startling him.

"What? What happened?"

"That parasite thing tried to eat me while your ass was sleep!"

The next thing Sarah knew she was no longer on gravity as her feet were in the air and she was being choked once again.


"F-For what?" She struggled to say.

"Calling him a Parasite now apologize hurry we don't have much time,"

"I-Im so sorry," she struggled to say again as the out stretched arm pulled her and she was behind Eddie's back in an instant as she coughed.

Drones were chasing after us as the bike only moved faster as Sarah screamed when the drone exploded on another car. Another one had come soon after as it was right behind the two. Venom had both his arms out as he pushed Sarah and Eddie's head down as the drone exploded to the car in front of them.

"THANK YOU!" Both of them said on unison.

"Uhhh Sarah! Venom said he only saved you because he was going to eat you later!" Eddie yelled over the wind.

"BASTARD!" She shouted out as the motorcycle did twists and turns to get out of everyone's way.

Several more drones were right behind them as Venom tried to make them escape, but two black cars rammed were on them from each side.

"GRAB THE GIRL!" One of them shouted reaching his hands out to her, causing her to scream.

Venom had pulled both his arms out and quickly grabbed at each steering wheel causing both of the cars to flip.

"VENOM ASKS IF YOUR OKAY?!" Eddie shouted out as Sarah burried her face into his neck.


"He says your welcome and that he was just kidding about the wanting too eat you part, right Venom?" "See, it all works out!"

Another drone was behind us getting ready to explode, but Venom had grabbed a back of a car shield as the drone ended up exploding.

"MY BROTHER IS SERIOUSLY TRYING TO KILL US BOTH!" Sarah shouted as another one was behind them but Venom made a turn and it caused it to explode into a car.

Another one came along soon after exploding inches away from us causing the two to scream. More drones came at them but Venom was quick to make twists in turns causing them to explode inches from us. Venom moved to another lane as the last one hit the front of the car instead. A black car was heading straight for them as Sarah saw Eddie's arms turn black. The car was heading towards us but Venom had moved to the next lane at the last second.

"LOOK OUT DO SOMETHING!" Eddie shouted as another black car was about to hit us.



"DONT QUESTION HIM JUST DO IT!" Eddie shouted as Sarah held onto him for life.

Sarah screamed as the motercycle tilted and Venom's arm grabbed the pole and swung them around and all of the black stuff was crawling back into Eddie. The motercycle moved faster as more drones only ended up exploding into other cars until Sarah and Eddie turned to see one right beside them.

"Holy shit," Eddie cursed as Sarah felt an arm throwing her off the motercycle as she hit the sidewalk harshly.

Sarah groaned as she saw Eddie and Venom on the motercycle as it was exploding but Venom had some how managed to keep them together. Sarah could tell that Venom was going to turn around and go back for her, but two black cars surrounded her instead.

"Sarah Drake, how nice of you to drop by," was the last thing she heard before a dart hit her neck and everything went black.

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