Chapter Nine

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"HOLY SHIT!" Sarah shouted running as cars and men chased after her, also shooting at her.

It's pretty clear that Carlton wanted her dead, not alive this time.

"MOVE PEOPLE MOVE!" She shouted running away as there were more people than usual in San Francisco tonight.

People screamed and ducked as they heard loud gun shots. The black cars that were following her were getting faster now, and was soon next to her as a window rolled down and a man had a gun out to her. Sarah tried her best at running, but there was no use out running a car. She heard the gun click, but nothing fired as the car suddenly flipped over and landed inside a shop where glass broke everywhere. She turned her head, and saw Venom on top of another car roaring as his arm stretched back and grabbed the people who were driving it and ripping them out as he began running towards her. Sarah didn't have time to react as he grabbed her quickly and began climbing on the roof of a high building. Venom had placed her down once he knew she was safe.

"Venom.... How did you..... I thought-”

"I killed everyone in the life foundation, except Carlton, coward ran off before I could. Then when I went looking for you I heard screaming and gun shots and knew you were in danger yet again,"

"Are you okay?" She asked causing him too look from the city and into her eyes.

"I'm fine, I told you you can't get rid of me that easily. Fire and loud sounds are the only thing that gets rid of me and harm my kind,"

"Why tell me that?"

"Because I'm actually starting too like you Sarah. You are human but your worth my protection. And I want too do nothing but to protect you,"

"Awww Venom, are you admitting that your feeling something for me?" She teased as Venom looked at her with wide eyes and embarrassment.

"What N-No of course not! Why say such a thing?" He asked loudly causing her to laugh.

"Calm down Venom I'm joking. Where is Eddie? Is he okay?"

"Yes. He says he's glad your alright, SHUT UP I DO NOT!" He suddenly shouted turning away from Sarah and crossing his arms.


"Nothing. Do you.... Uhh.... Do you.... Nevermind,"

"Really Venom, you can tell me,"

"Do you like me at all? I mean most of my kind or people don't, I was never really bright on my planet,"

"At first I didn't for obvious reasons, but you turn out to be alright in the end Venom,"

"Awww. Now that's sweet," he responds smiling before a loud sound and a helicopter emerged from nowhere as Venom was screaming and covering his ears.

"NO! STOP YOUR KILLING HIM!" Sarah shouted as Venom ended up slipping off the building. "VENOM! EDDIE!" She shouted as Eddie was back to his normal self.

"AHHH WHERE DID YOU GO?! VENOM!" Eddie shouted but before he could fall off the building Eddie's hand turned black as it stopped him from going down.

A loud scream pierced the air as it seemed to trigger Venom as he came back to his normal self and quickly climbed back up the building to find Sarah and the helicopter gone and out of sight. He growled

'I doubt Carlton will go back to the life foundation' Eddie says in his mind.

"Where does someone like Carlton Drake live? Wherever he is that's where they'll take Sarah. And after this, I'm going to kill him weather you get a say in it or not. It'll end Sarah's suffering from him,"

'I've never been to her house but I know she didn't live far from where I used too live. She has to be there and Venom, I'd go for her before someone else sweeps her off her feet,'

"What do you mean?"

'You care for her and not just as a friend either. You feel the need to protect her all the time, to keep her from harm, you get mad at the mention of Carlton, and not to mention your still pissed that we kissed, even though that'll never happen again,'

"Let's just go get-"

'Its okay to feel something Venom. Other than wanting to rip people's heads off. Explore your feelings I'll help you along the way'

"I'm a monster Eddie, she's not going to like someone like me," Venom says blocking out Eddie's thoughts and running from the building.

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