Chapter Four

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"okay so I pick the movies you make popcorn," Sarah suggested as Eddie groaned.

"You never pick good movies Sarah,"

"I do too I pick out horror. Who doesn't like horror movies?"

"ME! You know I'm not a fan of that mess it's too bloody and gory,"

"Okay Mr. Tough guy what do you wanna watch?"

"Action and Adventure, like Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles,"

"And how old are you again?"

"Hey it was my favorite show as a kid can you blame me?"

"Fine I guess we can settle on season 3,"

"YES! You are the best,"

"I know it," Sarah says smiling.

The two ate popcorn, junk, and ice cream throughout the season of the show until a loud guitar noise ruined it as Sarah covered her ears.

"I'm going to give cute boy next door a piece of my mind," Sarah says getting up and walking out before Eddie could stop her.

"Hey CUTE BOY NEXT DOOR!" she yelled out banging on the door.

A loud sigh was heard as the music stopped and Sarah patiently waited for him to open the door which he did.

"Oh, cute girl next door what's up?"

"Look, my best friend and I can't hear our damn show because of your loud ass obnoxious guitar! Do the world a favor and cut the shit! Honestly before I report you annoying bastard," Sarah says slamming the door in his face before walking back to Eddie.


"Don't douche bag deserves it. Anyways I'm going to bed. See ya tomorrow Eddie boy," she says kissing his cheek before heading in her room opposite of his.


It was the next night for the duo who was walking down the street after a nice dinner at the local cafe. There day consisted of mostly sleeping in and cleaning the apartment.

"Don't turn around but someone's following us," Eddie whispers causing Sarah to stop and he as well.

Sarah started trembling as she thought her brother had found her. She'd have nightmares of this day, of Carlton's men breaking down the door, and Carlton shooting Eddie and his men grabbing her. Carlton telling her how disappointed he was of her. Sarah started hypoventilating as Eddie got in front of her and grabbed her shoulders.

"Hey, hey Sarah listen to me breathe. It's okay look repeat after me Carlton isn't here,"

"C-Carlton isn't here,"

"Carlton isn't here,"

"Carlton isn't here,"

"Good. Now take a deep breath in and out," he said as she did as told.

"Okay I'm calm. Thank you Eddie boy," She told him smiling as he nodded and grabbed her hand as the two went inside the store.

"Sarah, I never got to thank you for last night," Mrs. Chen says smiling.

"No problem Mrs. Chen, any friend of Eddie's is a friend of mine," she told her smiling back as the two went to a random isle.

"So, my best friend here has anxiety attack because she thought her bastard brother of hers was going to find her. That's.... That's not cool man," Eddie says to the person in the next isle who followed us. "See the thing is I'm a reporter. I follow people that do not wanna be followed. You have to learn how to hide in plain sight. I'm pretty good at it... But you.... You suck,"

"Okay. My name is Dora Skirth and I work with the life foundation and- Sarah?" Dora asked as her breath hitched in her throat. "Oh my God, Sarah Drake! I missed you so much this is where you ran off too?"


"Carlton is so worried about you Sarah. He doesn't sleep and he gets angrier day by day and is even firing people who can't find you. He's out of control without you! But once he sees you again everything should-"

"NO! No he can't know who I'm with okay. Please Dora keep this secret I ran from him for a reason,"

"Now why are you here? Nobody's turning in my best friend unless they get through me,"

"Look, everything you accused of about Drake is real. He's killing people with the symbiotes at first I was with him because he wanted to help cure cancer but this.... This is wrong. Here's my card and give me a call if you know what's right. It's nice seeing you again Sarah," Dora says as she was going to leave, but Sarah grabbed onto her arm to stop her.

"Please, Please don't tell him Dora. I'm begging you," Sarah says in a pleading tone.

"Sarah, your amongst friends. I won't tell him I promise," she says giving Sarah an honest look.

"Okay I believe you. Bye Dora,"

"Bye Sarah," and with that Dora had left the store.

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