Chapter Twelve

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"That was-" Sarah panted out of breath as she sat up in the bed and grabbed her clothes on.

"Intense? Wonderful? Beautiful?" Venom asks popping out from behind her.

"Yes.... Who knew you could be-" she blushes at the sentence as Venom chuckled and licked her cheek.

"Mhmmm. I'm sleepy," Venom whispers as his eyes began drooping close.

"It's okay hun. Get some rest you deserve it," Sarah says kissing his head as he retreated back inside her.

Sarah stretched and decided that she better go take a shower before bed. Once she was all cleaned up and in a night gown she fell asleep with a smile on her face.


"V NO!" Sarah shouted as she watched Venom suffering when they turned the sound dial all the way up.

Sarah was trapped in some kind of cage shaking the bars as she tried yelling at the shadow men in lab coats to stop.

"PLEASE YOUR KILLING HIM! STOP! EDDIE! VENOM!" Sarah started sobbing as she watched the two split apart and another shadow man came from nowhere and captured Venom.

"Venom, no, Eddie please get up!" She shouted as Eddie layed passed out on the ground.

"It's time to merge. The human girl, The symbiote Rig, along with Venom to make the ultimate human Symbiote being,"  the man said causing Sarah to scream.


"SARAH!" Venom shouted in her head as Sarah was screaming until her eyes popped open to the real world.

"Sarah it's uhhh..... Okay. It was just a dream,"

"V-Venom! Venom your okay!" Sarah shouted causing Venom to pop out as she immediately grabbed onto his floating head and held it to her chest as she silently cried.

"I tried waking you up before but you were so out of it,"

"I'm scared Venom. I'm scared someone will try to take you from me,"

Venom only chuckled as he licked her cheek.

"Nobody will take you away from us again. And we're certainly not going anywhere,"

"Thanks V, that's really reassuring. Hey wanna do something fun today?"

"But what about our Eddie?"

"Our? He's yours V. Eddie's just my best friend and happens too be my boyfriend's host but we can always catch him tonight,"

"What sort of Fun did you have in mind?"

"A Carnival. It's in town this month and I was hoping you and I can spend the day together,"

"Carnival what's that?"

"It's a place where a ton of people-"

"That I can eat?" He asks grinning as Sarah rolled his eyes and flicked his floating head.

"No, absolutely not. It's a place where there's people who have fun on rides, carnival games, cotton candy-"

"Cotton candy? Is it anything like chocolate?" He asked getting excited.

"Not necessarily. It's really really sweet and sugary,"

"LETS GO!" He shouted excited as Sarah laughed when he pushed her forward.


"So this is a carnival?" Venom asks inside her head just when she pulled up.

"Yup, and please don't do anything reckless V, there's so many people-"

"That look juicy,"

"No. V, please no eating humans," she says before getting our the car.

"Fine," he grunts out as screams of joy filled Sarah's ears.

"One ticket please," Sarah told the man up front as he rose his eyebrow.

"What's a girl like you doing here by yourself? Your real pretty not to have someone,"

"Actually, I am taken,"

"Then where is he?"

"Right here ready to take out his liver,"

"He didn't want to come. Can I just pay please?"

"Sure but hey if you need someone I'm here all day," he winked as Sarah payed and Venom growled in the back of her head.

"You belong to us. Nobody else,"

"I know Venom. I wasn't intending on wanting anyone else but you,"

"Aww. Now that's sweet,"

"Now, which ride should we ride first?"

"No ride, cotton candy,"

"Oh yeah. Your adorable V," Sarah told him giggling as she went over to the cotton candy section.

"Get pink, get pink," Venom announced acting like a child.

"One pink cotton candy please,"

"Yes ma'am," the person responded as she paid and opened up the pink bag as she took a bite and let it meet in her mouth. 

"V?" She asked taking another bite as he was awfully quiet.

"Shh I'm savoring this taste. Cotton candy is the best thing your world's created,"

Sarah giggled taking a huge bite this time as the alien only hummed in response.

"After today I'll buy you a whole bunch of cotton candy V,"


It was nearing night when the two finally left the carnival. Sarah couldn't say she didn't have a good time with Venom even though he was inside her head he still had fun as well. Venom liked the high rides, and the carnival games which he made sure she one as she had a nice sized bunny. Sarah had a whole bunch of blue and pink cotton candy she was going to give to Eddie. She had opened up her phone and noticed she had 12 missed calls from Eddie and three texts.

-Sarah where are you and Venom? The text had read.

-Sarah. I need you to come home now!


"Uh oh. Eddie mad,"

"Well why did you turn off your phone?"

"First I didn't I had it on silent, and secondly I wanted us to have a fun day together,"

"Call Eddie," Venom says popping out from behind her.

"Okay," she says dialing his number.

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Was the first thing Eddie screamed out as she pulled the phone away from her.

"Eddie we are fine. We spent the day together at this carnival, and I was introduced to a new delicious thing called Cotton candy,"


"STOP SCREAMING AT ME EDDIE! I just wanted us to have fun that's all,"

"Sarah just get to my apartment. And you and I will have a serious talk," Eddie says before hanging up.

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