Chapter Seventeen

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"LET ME SAVE HER!" Venom shouted as he was held against the wall by Rigabeard.

"It's too late Venom, you can join her in the afterlife he says as his hand turned into a giant sphere.

"Please..... Stop," Rigabeard heard the human girl say before he could end Venom's life.

"D-Dont kill him.... I love him. I'll do.... I'll do whatever you want. Just don't... Don't hurt him,"

"Still alive little girl? Why don't you just die.... On second thought, why don't I kill you instead and Venom could watch it brings me great joy to see him in pain," he says dropping Venom as he made his way over to Sarah.

"VENOM!" Venom could hear Dan say as he threw him a flame thrower.

Venom didn't even know when or how he even got there but was great ful as he caught it, causing Rigabeard to stop walking and slowly turn around as Venom held the flame thrower up to him.

"Venom come on, your really going to End my life? You'd be ending Anne's as well, isn't she most important to Eddie?"

"That's why your getting out," he says shooting a tendril at him as he shot it in his stomach and began to pull.

"No wait stop! VENOM! VENOM PLEASE WERE BEST FRIENDS! I'LL HEAL YOUR GIRLFRIEND NO VENOM!" He shouts before being fully ripped out of Anne as she fell back to the ground unconscious.

Venom held Rigabeard's form up in the air as he grinned and held the flame thrower with his other hand.

"Goodbye old geezer, have a nice life," Venom says before throwing him on the ground and flaming him.

Once he was done, Rigabeard was left nothing but ashes as Venom ran over to Sarah.

"SARAH! Sarah, are you still with me? please," he says holding her close to his chest.

He could hear a heartbeat but it's very faint.

"Your the only person who's never treated me like I was only a monster. Sarah, please be okay," he says before placing his lips on hers while transferring him into her.

Once the transfer was complete, Eddie opened his eyes and pulled away as he realized he was kissing her.

"Really Venom? Out of all the ways you could have entered her you decided to kiss her!" He yells as Venom enveloped Sarah.

"She needs rest. She's barley alive but I'm working hard to put everything back in it's place inside of her. She's damaged pretty bad,"

"Right, Right, ANNE!" Eddie suddenly shouted as he turned to see Dan already by her side holding her head to his lap as she smiled at him.

"Dan, when, where and how?"

"I noticed Anne was missing, and I went over to your place to see everything unlocked and your phone on the kitchen table. That's how I got here,"

"So you were the one who triggered the alarm?"

"Yeah, I took out a whole bunch of guys,"

"By yourself? How?"

"I'm a doctor Eddie, I know a thing or two about smoke bombs and knocking people unconscious, by the way you should lock your apartment door,"

"Sorry, thought I did. I was in a rush to get to Sarah because of him," he says pointing over at Venom who looked concentrated at something.

"Yes your body took a lot of damage. But you'll be okay Sarah, I won't let you die,"

"She's awake?" Eddie asked turning to face him.

Venom nodded and undid his mask as Sarah showed underneath and smiled kindly at him.

"Hey Ed," she said in both her and Venom's voice.

"Sarah, are you okay? You worried me so much,"

"I know, I'm sorry. I'm okay, just.... Exhausted but V here won't let me sleep, he's scared I might not wake up,"

"Well that makes us both scared. Hey after all this why don't we go out for some coffee or something?"

"The Eddie Brock asking me out on a date?"

"Why not? We've been best friends for so long, and yeah we kissed but we can always try that one again,"

"I accept your offer Eddie. V says he wouldn't mind, technically the three of us would be a couple?"

"Not sure how I feel about sharing,"

"If you don't share I'll just take her back for myself," Venom growled completely over taking Sarah again causing Eddie to roll his eyes.

"Fine okay, happy?"

"Very much so,"

"I always knew you'd end up with her," Anne says as Dan sits her up.

"Anne I-"

"It's okay Eddie. I'm not mad, I'm glad your moving on,"

"Thank you Anne. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry if I hurt you.... It wasn't me,"

"I know,"

"I think we all should get out of here in case reinforcements come along," Dan suggested as everyone nodded there heads.

A couple years later

"Okay, okay, okay are you ready?" Eddie practically screamed out in joy as a smile broke on Sarah's face.

It's been a couple of years since her, Venom, and Eddie have been seeing each other and honestly she loves it. Sarah was blindfolded at the moment with Eddie pushing her forward, he said he had a surprise for her and was leading her towards it.

"Okay can I take it off now?"

"Yes," he says as he unwraps the blindfold off as Sarah gasped.


"Oh God, Eddie! Oh My God!" She screamed jumping up and down.

It wasn't big, but it was a small one story house as she ran up to it and ran inside.

"Wow Eddie it's so beautiful, how, when, where, why?"

"Calm down beautiful, I wanted to surprise you. I've had a lot of money saved up for this house the three of us can live in no problem, and we don't have to hear banging on the walls at night when you and I do our time alone," Eddie says snaking his arms around her waist and kissing the back of her neck.

A deep growl escaped him that sounded like Venom's voice.

"I believe it is our turn with her this time Eddie," Venom says popping out from inside his back.

"Guys you know I don't mind sharing you two together," Sarah giggled before heading inside and racing up the stairs.

Eddie smiled at his lover.

"God she's hot, how did I not see that before?"

"Because your stupid Eddie. Not so bright, now let's go catch our girl," Venom says before pushing Eddie inside the house and locking the door behind him.


A/N: Okay guys that's it! I know it's crappy but sorry I didn't really know how to end it so I went with the flow lol! Thanks for the 3 something K reads like I never expected this story to get so popular so quickly, but we all love Venom so yeah. I'm doing a Fullmetal Alchemist story called The Blue Flamed Alchemist, I never wrote one before despite me loving the show enough to even rewatch all the episodes. Give it a shot it'll be better than this story lol! That's it for now thanks guys!

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