Chapter Three

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6 Months Later

"Eddie I'm hungry," Sarah complained as she frowned when she didn't find anything in the fridge.

It's been six months since Sarah Drake has been living with Eddie Brock and been a wanted fugitive on the news.  She wasn't cable of dying anytime soon with the symbiotes so she up and left her brother and never saw him again and blocked him on her phone so she wouldn't have to hear her phone ringing twenty times.

"Sarah, ever know how much you eat now and days?"

"Not a lot,"

"Liar! Come on let's go,"

"Are you sure it's safe for me to go out now? I mean I am still on the news,"

"Sarah it's been six months. If Carlton wanted to find you he would have done it months ago,"

"Guess your right,"

"Come on there's this great store I go to. She'll love you," Eddie says smiling as the two walked out of the apartment building and onto the busy streets in the night.

"I'm sorry Eddie," Sarah suddenly says looking down on the ground.

"For what?"

"Losing Anne. It was my fault she left and I do know how much you miss her,"

"No Sarah stop blaming yourself, Carlton was abusing you and she didn't want me to help you. Why would I choose a woman who I've only known for about 2 years over my best friend? Screw her. I'm sorry for trying to mess up our friendship. In truths I just don't know what I'd do without you,"

"Aww Eddie boy. I feel the same way," she says kissing his cheek causing him too smile.

"Hey Eddie who's the girlfriend?" A homeless woman on the ground asked with a smile on her face.

"Hey Maria how are you? This is my best friend Sarah,"

"She's so pretty. Why aren't you dating him? I saw that kiss on the cheek you gave him," she says causing Sarah to make a disgusted face.

"Eddie boy is my best friend. Known him since childhood it be weird going out with him,"

"She's right ya know," he says opening up the newspaper can to find it empty.

"Here ya go Eddie, five dollars. I got it hand delivery for you,"

"Awww really Maria?"

"Mhmmm.... I know how much you love reading newspapers and I saw that the ones in there are gone and I had to beg someone for one so I can give you one,"

"Thank you Maria. I'm sorry too put you through all that trouble. Here's a $20,"

"Thank you Eddie. Your so sweet. It's nice meeting you darling,"

"Thanks you too. Bye Maria," she says as the two went inside.

"Hey Eddie.... Jesus you look like shit,"

"Yeah thanks Mrs. Chen you look beautiful,"

"Speaking of, who's the beautiful woman besides you?"

"Sarah Drake at your service,"

"Huh, that name sounds familiar but can't know where," she says as Eddie took Sarah's hand and led them away from her.

"Why would you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Give out your full name! Sarah your still a-"

"I'll take a whiskey. And my payment," a man says who came in as Eddie and Sarah were hiding.

"Please I can't keep-"

"FULL PAYMENT NOW! I don't wait," he says pulling out a gun.


"Sarah!" Eddie shouted slapping his forehead as the man looked at her.

"Hasn't your mom taught you that stealing is wrong? Who the hell do you think you are?"

"In charge here bitch that's who I am..... Wait a minute I recognize you. Sarah Drake? As in Carlton Drake's sister? Your on the wanted list. Your worth a lot of money," he says grabbing onto her.

"No! Get off of me!" Sarah shouted quickly getting out of his grip as she kicked him in the gut, causing him to bend down in pain before punching him hard underneath his chin, causing him to groan and fall backwards.

"Holy shit," Eddie gasped out before getting random stuff and hurrying them two out of the door.

"How the hell did you do that?"

"I took lessons when I was younger,"

"Seriously? Carlton allowed you too?"

"More like forced me. He wanted to make sure I can protect myself it's very complicated,"

"No. I understand. I'm just glad your okay," he says putting an arm around her as they were walking back home.

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