Chapter Fifteen

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"V, what are we going to do?" Eddie asked driving a truck to the Daily Globe.

"We go get Sarah, no doubt on that one,"

"Venom they have Anne as well we're you not listening to the conversation?"

"Not really, I was more interested in our girlfriend than Anne,"

"Well they have Anne too and want to do a trade off, they'll let Anne go if I give them you,"

"Go to Anne I have a plan,"


"Okay we're here. Where are they?" Eddie asked stepping inside the building.

"EDDIE!" He could hear Anne shout from a glass cage as he jogged towards her.

"Anne, thank God your okay. I'm so sorry about all of this, I don't even know how any of this even happened,"

"Eddie it's Sarah. There doing stuff to her and-"

"WHAT KIND OF STUFF?!" Venom shouted suddenly over taking Eddie.

"T-There injecting these liquids into her. I-I don't know what they do but she's not looking to good. You have to save her Venom!"

"Planning too," Venom hissed out.

"I think not," a voice says causing him to turn around.

Venom growled as he turned around to face a man in a white suit.

"The names Collin Jaxs, we spoke on the phone. Or at least I did with Eddie,"

"Where is she? Where is Sarah?"

"Hold your horses, Venom was it not?"

"YOU DONT GET TO CALL ME THAT!" He shouted causing Jaxs to hold up his hands in surrender.

"Woah calm now, look someone he's a friend of yours wants to talk to you,"

"A friend? I had no friends on my planet, I was a loser much like Eddie is now,"

"Oh but that's not what he said. Bring him out," he ordered someone on the ear piece as Venom's eyes went wide.

The symbiote was brown with huge white eyes like Venom's, but he seemed to be in a female body.

"Venom! Long time no see pal!" His voice booked as he smiled at him.

"Oh no, not this shit face," Venom mumbled putting his hand on his head.

"Rigabeard, what on Earth are you doing here?"

"Now is that a way to greet an old friend? I can see why you've chosen this girl as your mate Venom, she's very.... Interesting to say,"

"You've taken over Sarah? She's mine!"

"Woah V, calm down she's ours. Once you merge with me we can all have Sarah and you'd never have to worry about her dying ever again. With the two of us combined she'd be unstoppable. The ultimate human Symbiote, not to mention she would have instant regeneration if both of us are in her together or about aging as well. The aging process will slow down and that part is thanks to me,"

"No thanks, I love Sarah but I wouldn't partner with you if it was to save my life,"

"Oh, Venom come now I'm not a bad alien. Remember on our planet I always had your back especially against Riot. Speaking of, where is the bastard anyways? I thought he made it to earth,"

"We got rid of him no worry about him anymore. But I need Sarah back, how about we switch hosts?"

"WHAT?!" Eddie shouted in his head.

"Hush, so what you say Rigabeard? Eddie here is a good host, very useful to you plus he's a male much better than a female body," Venom says as Rigabeard started laughing.


"Your girlfriend is also hilarious, but I do like being in a female body. There so elegant, delicate, delicious, and pleasurable," he says causing Venom to growl.

"Touch her and you are-"

"Please Venom I smell you all over her. It's pretty clear she's your mate I can't take what's yours,"

"Good, now that we've got that established bring her back,"

"Sorry but no. I tried asking nicely Venom, but it looks like I'm going to have to force you to merge in with us, you'll always be a great friend pal,"

"I am not your pal," Venom spat out as a tendril shot out from Rigabeard and was heading towards Venom fast.

Venom easily doged it, but the tendril quickly followed him wherever he went, weather it was the wall or the ceiling. Venom had even made an attempt to get to the exit, but was caught by the tendril as he started screaming when he was being ripped out of Eddie.

"HEY SARAH STOP!" Eddie shouted from underneath as he was officially ripped away from Venom as he fell to the ground.

"EDDIE!" Anne shouted from the cage pounding on it.

"You are mine Venom," Rigabeard told him with a smile on his face.


A/n: maybe like one or two more chapters left! Crazy story I know lol but it's a story! Thanks for the votes and comments I much appreciate it!

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