Chapter Fourteen

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Sarah woke up to a bright light shinning down on her. She groaned as her headache was growing and she has cuts and bruises on her face and arms from when that white van rammed into her. She remembers leaving Eddie's apartment, going to her car and noticing that a black van was following her no matter how many twists and turns she made, then another one came trying to crash into her.

"V," Sarah groans out as she tried sitting up, but she was strapped down to a table. "HEY! HEY WHY AM I HERE? WHO ARE YOU?!"

Sarah began screaming when a loud sound erupted from the intercom as she covered her ears due to the noise.

"Subject 1A, Name Sarah Drake, sister to the once mightey powerful Carlton Drake, Carlton Drake Deceased but was able to keep a symbiote inside of him in the end, Sarah Drake, strong immune system for the Symbiote to enter into, chances of death after symbiote placed is 1%. Sarah Drake also infatuated with the symbiote Venom aka Eddie Brock," A robotic voice sounded through the intercom. 

"Hello Ms. Drake I'm sure your wondering why you are here," an old man sounded over the intercom as he coughed madly into it before speaking again. "You are going to be our human experimentation for these Alien creatures called the Symbiote. I'm sure due to your involvement you know what they are?"

"Yes, but I'm not some sort of human experimentation for you guys to do ya know! I demand to be let out of here!"

"Sorry Sarah, but we can't let you leave. Not until you've reached a level of symbiosis,"

"What level is that?"

"To make you the ultimate symbiote. Two different types merged into one human. You will be invincible, you will be powerful, and most of all no one will stop you,"

"God this is just my day," she muttered under her breath wishing that Venom was here to save her.


"WE HAVE TO SAVE HER!" Venom shouted agitated as we were at the crash site where the white van had crashed straight into Sarah car.

"V, we have no idea where she is or who has her, how are we expected to save her?" Eddie asked through his mind.


"Dude stop the shouting just calm down okay. I'll-"

"Don't tell me to be clam Eddie. If you hadn't of tried to make us not see each other in the first place none of this would have happened,"

"Oh, so it's my fault then huh?"

"Yes, you are a loser Eddie. Letting our girl get away, do your thing and ask around or else,"

"Or else what? Are you threatening me?"

"Or else, I'll eat everyone and everything in this city and tear apart everything just to find her,"

"Alright fine, I'll ask around but first we need to search the cars for any clues,"

"Right I'll let you do that," he says before retreating back inside Eddie.

"Okay buddy. I promise on my life we'll get your girl back,"


"Here you go Ms. You need some nurishment for the symbiotes to merge into you," a woman with black hair says holding a tray of food.

"Hey lady can you maybe help me out of here? I don't belong here and my boyfriend and best friend are worried sick,"

"I'm sorry Ms. But I'm only told to feed and nurish you for the two symbiotes,"

"Look Lady, if positions were reversed I'd do the same to you. I'd help you get back to family,"

"Any attempt to escape is futile and we will eliminate you the second you get out," A voice over the intercom says as Sarah sighs.

"Here Ms. Eat up," The woman says as she grabbed a spoonful of soup and shoved it in Sarah's mouth.


"V, look," Eddie says after searching through the black car.

"What is it Eddie a lead?"

"Sorta, well yeah actually. Look there's a post card with a name and number on it. I'm not sure if it was left for us on purpose,"

"Only one way to find out,"

Eddie nodded and pulled out his phone and dialed the number, it rang twice before someone answered.

"Eddie Brock?" A deep voice asked as Eddie gulped.

"Who's asking?"

"This is agent Jaxs of the Daily Globe, we have what you want and you have what we want,"

"What... What do you mean?"

"Does the name Anne Weying sound familiar to you?"

"Anne..... What have you done to her?"

"She's in the same boat as your girlfriend Sarah, but we have no intention of harming her. We just need your symbiote and in return you get Anne back, you have 24 hours to respond or she dies," he says before hanging up the phone.

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