Chapter Ten

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"YOU BITCH!" Carlton shouted kicking Sarah down on the ground.

She was back to where it all started, where her life turned into hell. She had bruises on her face and blood on her cheek.

"ITS BECAUSE OF YOU EVERYTHING WENT DOWN! EVERYTHING WENT WRONG BECAUSE YOU LEFT FOR FUCKING EDDIE BROCK! YOU ARE WORTHLESS, STUPID, AND A PATHETIC EXCUSE OF A SISTER!" He shouted kicking Sarah with each sentence as blood poured from her mouth. "I'm going to murder you," he growled as Sarah had a hard time keeping her eyes open, but she could have sworn she saw her brother transform into a symbiote as it roared at her.

The symbiote grabbed her by the neck  and hoisted her up from the floor.

"Name's Riot, your brother wants me to murder you nice and slow,"

"P-Please Carlton I know your in there...... W-We we're close as kids and n-now-"

"SHUT UP!" Riot shouted throwing Sarah across the room as she landed on the ground hard as she gasped.

"C-Carlton this.... This isn't you," she stutters as the beast only came closer to her.

The mask unrevealed as Carlton came from underneath it grinning.

"This is me dear sister, this is us and you will be wiped from the face of earth as punishment,"

Riot/ Carlton picked Sarah up from the floor again as this time the beast had his mouth wide open to eat her. The front door had busted itself open as Riot was quickly ripped away from Sarah as she dropped to the ground and a pair of black feet was scene in front of her as he roared.

"Venom how nice of you to drop by on my meal,"

"Riot, nobody's touching her. She's mine and mine alone, and that includes my meal,"

Riot chuckled.

"You've always been a weak link Venom, but falling for a human? That's pathetic even for you,"

"At least I'm capable of feelings, what about you?" Venom spat back just before Riot could charge at him.

Riot and Venom swung back and forth at each other, breaking anything and everything in sight. Riot had grabbed Venom by the neck and slammed him down onto a table then threw him away to where he hit the wall and broke it. Riot moved his attention from Venom to Sarah as he began walking towards her, but before he had the chance Venom came back from behind him and tried ripping off his head but spikes came out from behind him, impaling him.

"Venom," Sarah whispered as she still layed on the floor covered in blood.

Venom dropped to the ground once Riot retracted his spikes and had his attention back on Sarah.

"Still alive? Aren't you just a hard one to kill aren't you? Maybe that's why Venom liked you so much," Riot says picking her up by the neck once more. 

Riots other hand had turned into a spear shape as he had gotten ready to plunge it in her, but Riot dropped her as he was kicked in the back and fell down. The two quickly began fighting once more. 

"Pathetic," Venom growls as he had the upper hand and plunged his hand into Riots stomach and Ripped Riot off of Carlton who fell too the floor. "Goodbye what humans call.... Douchebag," he says before splitting him in half and throwing him in the fire place. "As for you," Venom says stalking towards Carlton.

Carlton kept backing up until his back hit the wall, Venom picked him up and he looked terrified beyond belief.

"You've hurt Sarah for the last time," Venom growls out before taking him in his mouth and eating him up.

"Venom," Sarah weakly says when he was finished.

Venom quickly went to her and gently picked her small frame up.

"A-Are you okay?" She asked causing Venom to growl.

"Your annoying. I'm perfectly fine it's you I'm worried about,"

Sarah only smiled as she placed a hand on his cheek.

"Despite my state.... It's you I'm worried about. I can't help but do. Thank you Venom for everything," she says before dropping her hand from his cheek.

"SARAH!" Venom shouted worried as he was shaking her.

'Get out of my body and save her' Eddie thought as Venom quickly got out of his body and transferred into hers.

Sarah quickly gasped before Venom took over her.

"Wow so this is what it's like to be a female," Venom says inspecting himself.

"How is she?" Eddie asks walking up to him.

"She's alright, I healed her injuries,"

"That's good.... Can I uhh talk to her?"

"Of course," Venom responds as Eddie held out his hand and he went back inside of him.

"Wow that was weird. Hey I don't feel like I'm dying anymore," Sarah says inspecting herself as she looked like her old self.

"Yeah, Venom he uhh.... Healed you. Listen I'm sorry for dragging you into all this ya know,"

"Eddie, if anything you saved me from everything and I don't regret it one bit. Carlton hated me, he was abusing me, and made my life an absolute hell untill you came along and saved me and it's not only you though. Venom did too,"

"He's the one who did most of the work around here. Huh? You sure you want me to ask her? You know you should do it yourself. I'm not the one who's in love with her! Okay, okay freaking fine..... Sorry umm Venom wants too know if you'll I don't know go out with him sometime?" Eddie asked causing Sarah to smile.

"Could you bring him out?" She asks as he nodded and Venom took control over Eddie.

"Hi," he says placing an arm behind his head. "I understand if you don't want too I am a monster,"

"Venom, your more than a monster in my eyes. I'd love to go out with you," she responds kissing his cheek as a cheeky smile came on his face.

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