September 5th, 2066

14 6 1

For the first time in a while, I really looked at myself--really focused on how I've changed since spring. With two months of rough military training behind me, my body has changed. I'm not jacked, by any means, but there is definitely more tone to my figure. I didn't spend too much time narcissistically staring at myself in the mirror, this morning--Mateo doesn't like it when anyone is in our (his) bathroom for more than a couple of minutes.

We've loaded up the van we're taking to the border, tonight. I'm sitting on my bunk in a now-empty room. Everyone else is either patrolling or enjoying their last day in the taverns before heading out on a new mission. Me? I want a bit of peace and solitude before things get crazy, again.

Before the Bill of Perfection, these last few weeks in the city would have sounded like a living hell. Compared to everything I've been through these last few months, though, this has been a vacation. I'd rather sweat in a uniform with a heavy rifle on my shoulder than be on the run, heart pounding incessantly. That's what awaits me, though. We'll be sneaking through enemy territory for weeks, then we'll be trying to wipe an entire manufactory from the face of the Earth (in a controlled way, mind you).

We can't just blow up the facility--we would release more Renewer gas into the air. Instead, our mission is to neutralize it and make it unusable. We--well, Mateo, specifically--have received highly detailed instructions on disabling the Renewer manfacturing facility. This information was based on photographs and verbal accounts presented by members of the original reconnaissance team. I hope that the instructions are accurate.

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