July 9th, 2066

17 10 8

Colonel Saphran has determined that Trent and I have spent enough time recovering from the events that transpired several days ago. It's time for us to start helping out around the base.

I have no objections to that, really. I'll be washing dishes, cleaning latrines, scrubbing floors, and performing other chores for a week or so. After that, I'll be given a chance to talk with the colonel, one-on-one, about my intentions.

Elise made a pass at me, today. We were sitting in one of the few grassy spots around the camp and she reached out to grab my face. I pulled away quickly, of course, and told her that I was serious about not being interested in her, that way. She just rolled her eyes and left. Presumably to find someone less... me.

Loving Sara is so easy. Being faithful to her is easy, too. Yet, being alone is difficult. Almost impossible. How long has it been since I was kissed?

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