August 12th, 2066

11 7 1

With all the teams that were deployed, we only found 6 survivors.


All that effort just to save so few people?

Except... Crutch sent a helicopter out just to save myself, Trent, and the pilot. Perhaps they'd expected to find more survivors of the crash, but they had still expended all that effort for half of the results that we had here in Dublin. Perhaps saving just one person would have been enough.

Before the chopper arrived, Sergeant Glassgow offered to show us something. I wish I had refused the offer, but I still went with him.

He showed us the point of impact: a large crater near Dublin's center. In the very center of the crater, at its lowest point, was a grisly-looking black plant. Its slimy-looking roots rose wove in and out of the ground. The plant had a single stalk, barely a foot high. Along that stalk were numerous spore pods like those of the afflicted, spitting out spores every few minutes.

To display the plant's resilience, Glassgow tries to sever the stalk with his laser-cutter. The plant didn't even bend, but at the moment of impact, I thought I heard it groan. Or sigh.

I decided not to tell anyone else that I thought I'd heard the plant make a sound--it's possible that I had just experienced my first auditory hallucination.

Rather than each team being picked up by an individual chopper, a large transport copter came to retrieve every member of Crutch and every survivor in one go. It's nearly midnight and I'm still on this thing. I'm excited to land.

After a good night's sleep, I'm finally going to find out if Sara is in Sanctum.

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