July 25th, 2066

13 8 1

Even though I was on overnight guard duty, last night, I was still forced to do partial training in the afternoon. They explained that I needed as much experience as possible wearing my hazard armor, so that was the extent of my training: wear the armor from noon to sunset.

It wasn't easy. The armor is cumbersome and heavy, the sun was bearing down on the campgrounds, and I'm really not very strong. The minute the sun began to set, I stripped off the armor and hit the showers.

A delivery of letters and packages came from Sanctum, today. Unfortunately, the delivery had gone out shortly after I had sent my letter. No word from Heather or Sara.

I asked the pilot who had brought the letters if he knew anyone named Sara or Heather McKenzie back at Sanctum. He said the name McKenzie rang a bell, but that he couldn't be sure.

The next delivery of letters will be August 10th. I won't be here for that. Sounds like I'll be going on this mission, after all.

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