Chapter 4 - Finally

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Eventhough Zhao was angry with Shen, he felt his heart melt by the sight of the professor. He had tried to convince himself that he didn't care about him in those to long weeks. How foolish could he be?

Of course he didn't want to be alone. When he said those words and went to the balcony, he desperately wished for the professor to persuade him to talk. To keep saying eventhough Zhao acted though and hard to get. 

But Shen just left.

The moment Zhao heard the door close, he could feel his eyes sting from unshed tears, and he wanted to run after Shen. However he couldn't get his legs to move, he just stood there completely unhappy and unable to move. 

Da Qing shook his head. Humans. He thought. Foolish mortals. Not paying attention to the Chief's troubles, he laid down on the couch to catch up some sleep.

The quiet apartment has too much for Zhao to handle, so he graped his leather jacket and decided to go for a long night walk. Maybe never come back and just get lost in the endless darkness he seemed to live in.

He had just left the building, when Shen Wei closed his apartment door slowly as not to wake up his brother, who was now fast asleep in the white bed. Shen had a difficult time knowing what to do with Ye Zun nearby, he didn't want his brother to hear what he wanted to say to Zhao. Therefore he went home without a word so that he could go back to Zhao as fast as possible alone. 

Not caring about the fact that Zhao has locked his door, Shen suddenly appeared in his flat, startling poor Da Qing. 

"Where is he?" Shen asked, almost panicking when he discovered that Zhao was nowhere to be seen. 

Da Qing yawned, "The old stubborn man went out somewhere, stupid fool that he is..." 

Shen disappeared in a dark mist and appeared in front of the building. The street lights lit up the streets and front parking lot, but still no Zhao. Where could he be?

While Shen frantically searched for Zhao, the Chief had gone off to some nearby playground and sat down on one of the swings. His long legs stretched out beginning to push the swing a little. 

Sitting there staring at the starry sky, he unwrapped a lollipop but didn't eat it. Looking at it he felt no desire to have it anymore. 

He had no idea of how long he sat there, when a pair of cold hands suddenly pulled him up and into a hug. Zhao knew to whom the hands belonged and had no second thoughts about returning the hug. 

Wrapping his arms around Shen's strong back, he let out a sigh, breathing in the other man's delicate scent that put his mind at ease. 

"You silly fool," Shen Wei softly whispered, "Why are you always this impatient?"

Zhao didn't answer at first but hugged him tighter, as if he couldn't close enough, "I missed you so much I could not think straight. I was afraid..." his voice cracked as tears began streaming down his cheeks, unable to stop them.  Zhao let his hidden emotions break though his tough facade not caring if anyone saw him. All his worries, insecurities, frustrations and doubts came out all at once alongside his everlasting love for the man, who stood before him. 

"Hush," Shen Wei pulled himself away a little to cup Zhao's face, but still close enough not breaking the hug. "It's okay, I'm here for you."

Zhao slowly relaxed and stopped crying, looking down shamefully like a child, "I'm sorry for what I did earlier. I didn't know what to do with all my feelings so I just pushed you away."

Shen laughted almost unnoticable, "I know, that's why I came back as fast as I could. But I had to make sure that Ye Zun wouldn't be here, so I could talk to you alone. "

Zhao facepalmed himself in his thoughts. Why didn't he think of that when he saw them leaving? Since when did his brain turn into a mushroom, not thinking logically?

"I missed you so much." Shen whispered. During his stay in Dixing, he was constantly bombarded with different tasks and requests that he has to take care of in a hurry. At the same time he had to look out for Ye Zun, who hid in a small abandoned house. Shen Wei was afraid someone might discover where he hid and tried his best not to let that happen. Eventhough he was busy all the time, the only thing that really occupied his mind was Zhao. He had left him in such a worrying state, unconscious and with bruises all over his body. The sight was burnt into his cornea and he shivered by the thought of how badly it could have ended.

"Have you fully recovered from the battle?" Shen asked worried. 

"Yeah, now I have." Zhao answered smiling. The biggest wound had healed the moment he saw Shen and didn't even leave a scar, only pure happiness.

Shen Wei let out a relieved sigh. He then saw Zhao's hand with the bandage covering the cut. He frowned, "From now on I do the dishes. Don't you know how to take care of yourself?"

"It wasn't my fault!" Zhao shouted, "You surprised me! You made me drop the glass in surprise and caused me to get hurt!" 

This man really! Shen didn't look impressed, but he decided to play along, "I'm sorry Xiao Lan, I didn't know I could make you act like a fool. I must have a great impact on you."

Zhao laughed nervously, not wanting to reveal how much of an impact Shen actually had on him. 

On the way home Shen told Zhao everything that he has witnessed in Dixing, how the night finally was replaced by day and how a new Kingdom was established. 

Zhao listened closely, but had a hard time imagining sunlight in Dixing. He had to see it for himself, but he kept quiet about it, because he had a feeling that Shen wouldn't approve him going on sightseeing in Dixing.

Suddenly, as they reached Zhao's apartment, Zhao spun around and stopped Shen in his track, trapping him against the wall. He looked like he wanted to say something, but whatever it was, he couldn't form the words. Then, upon shaking his head, he leaned in and let his lips meet Shen's.

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