Chapter 5 - Promise

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I really want to thank you all for taking time to read my fanfiction, I didn't expect anyone to read it. Even one reader means a lot to me, so I'm really happy!!!

Also I'm sorry for the delay in updating, it's been a tough week for me because I was studying for some finals, but hopefully I can now update every other day.

Enjoy~~ :D


The world stood still when Shen felt Zhao's soft lips on his. He opened his eyes wide but closed them quickly. Without thinking, his hands started wandering around, grasping Zhao's arms, moving up to his shoulders and further up to his cheeks to cup his face and pull him closer.

Deepening the kiss, he slowly pressed his tongue in between those silky lips of Zhao and entered his wet cavity and explored every corner. Together their tongues performed a long waited dance, trying to dominate each other. 

Zhao pressed himself towards Shen, but didn't feel satisfied. He wasn't close enough. Frustrated he groaned, gently biting onto Shen's lower lip as if asking for permission to take further, and as he felt Shen's lips curve, he used his powers to unlock his frontdoor and without even breaking the kiss, he led them through the apartment and pushed Shen onto his bed, laying himself on top. 

Luckily Da Qing had left the apartment, so they were alone, or else he would have kicked the fat fuq all the way to the moon. Zhao then put magic seals on the door and windows to prevent anyone disturbing them.

Too deep into the kiss, Shen didn't notice what happened, until he could feel Zhao opening the buttons on his shirt, exposing his perfect chest. 

Shen moaned, when Zhao slid his tongue into his mouth and impatiently sucked on his lips, tasting their sweetness.  Their lips moved involuntary, demanding, longing, loving.

As Zhao took of his own shirt, pressed his bare chest against Shen's, not minding the coldness coming from his skin. Gently he planted kisses on the cheeks of the beautiful man beneath him, slowly working his way down the neck to the collarbone. Biting into the soft flesh, Zhao gave Shen his very first hickey. Marking him. His lover. Making it clear to everyone that Shen was his.

Continuing down, Zhao made a perfect map of random placed hickeys, aroused by Shen, moaning in pleasure and pain.

Shifting, Zhao tried to lay in a better position, as he felt his pants tighten ucomfortably, but no matter how he laid or sat, it didn't help much. The movement only made him feel more oncomfortable.  

Suddenly capturing his nipple, Zhao sucked on it making Shen bend his back in an erotic arc. Teasing and biting and kissing to make up for the pain, Zhao couldn't stop himself from feeling his beloved everywhere possible.

His hands reached the hem of Shen's trousers and tried to open the zipper, but failed. He tried once more, but as he couldn't  get to open it. Frustrated he broke the kiss, but before he could try again, Shen put his hands on top of his, stopping him.

"We should wait, Xiao Lan." Shen gently said, trying to get Zhao to focus on him, but he just kept his eyes on their hands, ignoring Shen's words and continued to try opening the zipper.

He had to be closer. The need to feel Shen was growing bigger and bigger, overshadowing everything. He couldn't get close enough. If he didn't get to feel him, be as close as possible, Zhao feared that he would become insane. 

Shen locked his hands, stopping him from opening his pants. Zhao froze. Why did Shen stop him? Could he not feel his need? Didn't he feel the same way? 

"Zhao look at me."

Zhao's body began shaking uncontrollably, like a drug addict who hadn't gotten his fix. He couldn't control himself from letting tears falling down, feeling his heart turn cold from fear.

"Oh god no... don't cry... please Zhao..." Shen begged sitting up.

"I need to feel you close," Zhao whispered almost inaudibly, but to Shen, it was clear.

"If I don't I..." Zhao choked on his spit. The sentense was too hard for him to say. The thought of losing Shen again was too painful  and he feared that if he didn't held Shen close, he would perish, leaving him alone again. 

He couldn't bear the emptiness.

As if Shen could read his thoughts, he immediately hugged him tightly, "I'm not going anywhere, Xiao Lan. I'll be here for you, don't worry." He said, putting all his confidence into those words. He hugged him tighter ad if to ensure Zhao that he really meant what he said.

"When you were hit... I saw you... your body crushed, covered in blood.. I... the pain on your face, while I just..." Zhao mumbled hastly, rewatching the gruesome scene in his head, when Shen stepped in in front of him, the moment Ye Zun had directed his enormous powers agains Zhao, taking the final blow. That scene kept repeading inside Zhao's mind from the moment he woke up from coma and hunted him in his dreams.

"...when I lost you..." he had lost himself. His soul was a wreck, and heart still bleeding from the loss. Eventhough he then learned that Shen still was alive, he hadn't been able to heal completely before having Shen in his arms once again.

"Shh..." Shen hushed, kissing away those crystal tears streaming down Zhao's cheeks. "I'm sorry for leaving you. I won't happen ever again, I promise."

This time Zhao met his gaze and smiled like a child getting candy as a comfort-gift.

"Pinky promise," he said, "No, actually, we have to upgrade it to a kissy promise. Since to spoke those words, you have to seal them with those sexy lips that you used to form them. Pinky ain't good enough for me."

Shen laughed, amused by Zhao's childish humor. Sometimes he just didn't get his crazy man of his, but still he thought him unresistible.

He then quickly pecked him on the lips and blushed. Zhao couldn't help but chuckle, "That's all I get?" He pouted.

Caught off guard, Shen kissed the corner of his lips. He only thought to make it a quick peck, but his body was acting on it's own, lingering on Zhao's lips. 

"You cannot leave me." Shen whispered against his mouth. "Don't get hurt, and stay safe by my side."

Zhao nodded and caught his lips. 'Leaving' was no option and held no place in his dictonary.

In a swift movement, Shen laid Zhao on the mattress, placing himself on top his him, with his legs on both sides of Zhao's lower back.

"I didn't know you were such a crybaby." Shen softly laughed as he caressed his black messy hair.

Zhao smirked, "When it comes to you, I don't have any control of my emotions. The things you do to me..."

Shen knew. 

Because the same things happened to him, indescribable and beautiful, completely out of control. The feeling of love was so great and blinding, and that was what scared him the most.

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