Chapter 8 - Resentment

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Enjoy :)


Edit: I had by accident deleted the first part of the chapter, so the one I uploaded a few days ago has now been edited. 

I'm sorry for the trouble, and hope I didn't cause it to be too confusing.


Lin Jing rose from his seat and made the chair fall in the process.

He pointed at Ye Zun, who stood in between Zhao and Shen Wei, looking really uncomfortable.

"Chief! What the hell is going on?" He shouted, not taking his eyes from the one, who killed his one-side love.

"First, calm down. Shen Wei brought him here to make things up and give all an apology." Zhao looked around and could not help but laugh at their startled faces.

Just as he thought someone was missing, Guo came back from the canteen carrying to cups of coffee for him and Old Chu.

"Chu ge! Here's your..." he stopped in his track at the sight of Ye Zun and turned the white out of his eyes and fainted.

Luckily, Chu was quick to catch both the warm cups of coffee and Guo, who was slack like a noodle. Carefully, he carried the boy the the couch and laid him down as if he was a fragile vase.

Zhao pinched his nose bridge and held back the strong urge to sigh loudly. If it wasn't for Guo's enormous amount of good virtue, he swore...

Old Chu, who usually didn't show any expression, had a horrific look in his widened eyes, and he gazed dumbfounded at Ye Zun, then Zhao and back at Ye Zun. At last, his eyes rested on Shen Wei, but the Ghost Slayer did not spare a look his way. His eyes rested on Zhao, as if finding the much needed encouragement.

Chu opened his mouth, but closed it again, deciding not to interfere in this matter. His main focus was on Little Guo, who even in his unconsciousness, still clung on to Chu's sleeve.

Zhao looked at Shen Wei as if saying, 'What am I to do with these idiots?',  but Shen had put up an emotionless face, not showing how ashamed he actually felt, thus not responding to anything or anyone.

Zhao understood, and wanted to speed up their gathering and free them all from this awkward situation He looked around, Zhu Hong had regained her usual unimpressed expression, and chose to ignore the presence of the man, who intended - and almost succeded - to kill her crush.

Wang and Sang had placed themselves near the library. Eventhough they were ghosts, they still could recall the claustrophobic feeling of being sucked into the stomach of Ye Zun.

Focusing on Lin Jing, who had been the first to react on them arriving, Zhao said with a stern voice, "Hey, I think you should listen to him. I know you are all angry and just want to throw yourselves and beat the crap out of him," I wish to do that too... Zhao thought and then cotinued, "But at least be the better person and overcome that anger. Maybe we can use this as a good opportunity to form a good defense in the future. Instead of fighting against each other, we can now collaborate."

Zhao nodded his head, satisfied at his little speech. He then put his arm around Ye Zun's shoulders and pushed him forward, "The scene is all yours."

Later, Zhao sat behind his desk in his office, signing some important documents regarding the gates to Dixing. They had been closed to all, but he had managed to make the higher-ups agree to let all SID members pass though without trouble. 

Zhao saw it necessary for them to be able to take care of any case as fast as possible, not worrying about some stupid gates... and if Shen had to go to Dixing, Zhao no longer had an obstacle in his way to go with him.  He was tired of being left behind. He had to profect his wifey.

On the couch Ye Zun sat, looking a lot better than he earlier. His outfit gave him a modern and kinda playful vibe, which Zhao thought suited his personality. 

After listening to his explanation, everybody seemed to calm down and accept him at some point. Except Lin Jing, who refused to acknowledge him and turned a blind eye to his existence. Zhao had dragged the silver haired twin into his office, saying, "Let time heal their wounds, just like yours need to heal. They will eventually accept you, but be patient, ah?"

He then took Shen Wei by his hand, pulling him down on his lap, as he sat on his chair, and placed a sweet kiss on his lips. 

Shen Wei was so lost in thoughts that he didn't register what Zhao was doing, but as he returned to reality, he turned red and pushed away from Zhao, too embarrased to look anywhere but the floor. He knew Ye Zun was starting at them. 

"Ah, Xiao Wei, don't be shy," he chuckled, still holding on to his hand. He wanted to tease Shen Wei to ease him, though he knew it would be easier to make Chu Shu Zhi act girly than to stop his lover from worrying so much.

Ye Zun cleared his throat, "What now?"

Zhao smirked and rose to stand close to Shen Wei, "Now we kiss again..."

"I meant 'what do I do now'." Ye Zun said, half amused hald embarrased on behalf of Shen Wei, who blushed hard. 

"Oh," Zhao took a step back and scratched his head, while laughing. He ducked his head and looked up at Shen through his eyelashes. He other man had turned his back towards both of them, but Zhao could see that he touched his lips with the tips of his fingers, lost in his thoughts.

Looks like I have to make up for this lost opportunity later tonight. Zhao thought and couldn't wait to get home to make his Shen satisfied.

He then faced Ye Zun, "For now, you stay in my office. I want to use you as guidance counselor on future cases. Since you have a criminal background and know how all these bad guys and culprits think and work, we can easily take them all down. It'll be a piece of cake."

Ye Zun agreed, smiling a little for the first time, and Zhao continued, "Starting from today, I want you to mingle with the staff. Get on their good side. I know it will be tough in the beginning, but I'm sure you can do it, just... don't shallow anyone. They are good workers, I can afford to lose them." he teased.

Suddenly the office door burst open, and Lin Jing entered without knocking. Zhao glared angrily at him, "DIDN'T I TELL YOU TO KNOCK BEFORE ENTERING MY OFFICE!" Zhao roared.

The scientist was of course scared, but Lin Jing being Lin Jing, he pushed it aside, and continued recklessly, "Chief! You have got to see this! My new experiment:"

Lin Jing held a simple-looking headphone. Zhao forced himself to calm down, "The Hell Lin Jing! If you came to tell me that you just invented a set of headphones, then I'm sorry to inform you that you are over 100 years late. If you have nothing more to say, then GET OUT!"

Pouting, Lin Jing said, "No Chief, these aren't just ordinary headphones. They are constructed to receive supernatural and underground sounds, impulses and signals, so that you can always be aware of your surroundings. If something evil is near, it will warn you. Here, let me demonstrate."

Zhao watched Lin Jing turn on the device and put it on Zhao. 

A loud deafning sound suddenly penetrated the office, and Zhao immediately took off the headphones and threw them back at Lin Jing, who quickly shut it down. Shen Wei and Ye Zun both stood in shock and looked worried at Zhao.

"FUCK! Are you trying to make me deaf!" Zhao pressed his hands to his head. A ringing noise hang on to his ears, blocking all small sounds.

"Ch.. Chief, I..." 

"GET OUT NOW! Zhao shouted. Shen Wei opened the door and patted Lin Jing consoling on the shoulder, before he left, disappointed.

Sitting back on his chair, Zhao furiously eyed the door and hissed.

"Ye Zun, I had a change of mind. After I have deducted the bonus of this moron of a scientist, you have my permission to shallow him whole."

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