Chapter 14 - Effect

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About twenty minutes later, when they had all gone out and walked around in a nearby park, Zhao felt something strange happening to him.

It started with some sort of ticklish feeling all over his skin. At first he didn't pay any attention to it, thinking it might have something to do with the weather, or maybe just one of those moments, where the body acts on its own.

But it continued, and the feeling only grew stronger with time. Shen Wei looked at him, he had noticed that Zhao had gone unusually quiet, and his lips was pressed into a thin line.

"Is everything alright?" He asked really concerned and put his hand on Zhao's arm. The touch caused Zhao to flinch away, as his skin was oversensitive, and his brain couldn't figure out whether it was pain or pleasure, "Don't touch me!"

Shen Wei stood, surprised and dumbfounded with his hand half stretched out towards Zhao. The other man also froze, unable to understand what he had just said and what happened to him. He just looked back at Shen Wei, jaw dropping.

Ahead of them, Ye Zun and Da Qing had also paused in their tracks, Ye Zun as confused as Shen Wei, but the cat knew exactly what was going on. It was so hard for him not to roll on the ground laughing his ass off, but he managed to out on a questioning face, though his internal organs was about to explode from containing his laughter.

"Zhao, are you okay?" Shen Wei asked once again, this time slowly approaching him, as Zhao took a step back as if to protect himself. It was very unlike Zhao to avoid him, he wasn't used to this, so it hurt so see him like this.

Zhao hugged himself, giving off an unsure laugh, as he desperately tried to lift the suddenly changed mood, "I'm fine... I'm fine, nothing wrong, just ah, maybe I slept too long in my left side so it is a bit sensitive right now, ha ha."

Shen Wei didn't believe him, but didn't say anything. Zhao had been awake most of the night, and had made sure also to have him awake for his own annoying reasons, and when Zhao finally fell asleep early in the morning, Shen Wei made sure that Zhao was sleeping comfortably before going to rest himself.

"Our old Chief has to take care of himself. Once we come home again, I'll make you some tea to loosen up your muscles." Da Qing said worried on the surfase. He then turned around and carried on walking alongside Ye Zun, who enjoyed the fresh breeze that kissed his face mildly and cooling. Looking down at the cat, he openly admired the cat ancestor for his love and protectiveness towards Zhao. However, he felt a little throb in his heart wishing if Da Qing someday also would show some affection towards him. Maybe if he stayed at the cat's side, Da Qing would notice him more. The thought somehow encouraged Ye Zun, and he became eager to show his worth to Da Qing.

Behind them, Shen Wei walked slowly beside Zhao, who felt itchy all over. All he wanted was to go home, take off his clothes and lay under his soft blanket until his body decided to act normal again. 

He then looked at Shen Wei. The other man looked so beautiful under the light of the Sun, and when he met Zhao's gaze, his lips curled up in a sweet smile that reached his eyes. Zhao's heart stopped beating for a moment, but then it went on a racing speed, making his neck, cheeks and ears blush hard. The itching grew stronger, and he suddenly felt something happen to his lower region. He looked down in horror, as his body reacted on its own, and a big bulge began appearing. 

Quickly he tried covering it with his t-shirt, praying that Shen Wei didn't notice. 

"Are you sure you are okay?" Shen Wei asked lowly, "Tell me if you are feeling uncomfortable."

Zhao gritted his teeth hard against each other, "No, no I'm perfectly fine, Xiao Wei. Don't worry about me..." He repressed the urge to moan and curl up into an itching ball. "Fuck.."

"Chief, let go up here!" Da Qing had turned into human form and was now back beside him. Before Zhao could avoid it, Da Qing had grasped his sensitive arm and pulled him along to a busy street. A lot of people surrounded them and constantly bumped into Zhao, who was let into the middle of the street by Da Qing.

The constant touching of other people brought Zhao great dispair, as he no longer could avoid the painful situation. Every little touch felt a hundred times worse, and his lower region was still trying to make itself more recognised.

Zhao truly was in great distress as he was dragged on by Da Qing, who found every single street stall interesting, and insisted that Zhao had to experience everything. However, Zhao couldn't concentrate on anything but trying to control his aching body from embarrassing him. 

As Da Qing was about to drag Zhao to another stall, a bunch of tall boys walked by them, one of the boys almost accidently bumped his shoulder into Zhao, but Shen Wei appeared from nowhere and quickly protected Zhao from getting hurt, pushing him behind a stall, free from everybody. 

"You suddenly dissappeared, and it was almost impossible to find you here." Shen Wei said, as he stood beside Zhao like a human shield. But Zhao didn't hear him: he stood so close to Shen Wei that he could feel the contours of his body under the clothes. Shen Wei had laid one of his arms around Zhao's shoulders, and for some reason, it didn't feel painful, but rather encouraged Zhao's body to get more aroused than before. He looked down, the bulge of his hot member was dangerously close to Shen's. If he moved just a bit, they would...

"Why are you so hot?" Shen Wei asked worried. "You must be running a fever!"

The words were lost to Zhao, as the only thing on his mind now was  how close he could get to Shen Wei. He slid his arms around Shen's strong waist and hugged him, burying his face in the crook of his neck, as he breathed in the fresh and manly smell of Shen Wei.

He pressed and slowly rubbed his lower region against Shen Wei's, causing Shen to stiffen. 

"Stop it, Zhao. What are you doing? Can't you see we are in the middle of the street? People will look." Shen Wei whispered embarrassed and pushed them further into the empty and covering space behind the stalls, where noone could spot them.

"I just need to..." Zhao moaned and trembled, "My body... I don't know why..."

He then took Shen Wei's hand and placed it right on his bulge, urging him to press. "Can you feel it? I can't.. fuck." He almost whimpered by Shen's touch, but Shen knew just what to do, and captured Zhao's lips with his own in a breathtaking kiss.

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