Chapter 24 - Right Before Nighttime

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Hi again everyone, if you still are out there wanting to read my fanfic. I'm sorry for keeping you waiting and understandably doubting whether or not the story would continue. I've been through a lot but now I feel ready to write again. Hope you all stay safe and sound. 


The mouthwatering scent of Shen's wonderful cooking filled the entire apartment, making Zhao's stomach growl in antipatition. It knew it was going to be filled with delicious homemade dishes that was only for him and no one else. Not even Da Qing would he allow to taste the food. Zhao grinned evilly to himself. Oh how he loved to make the poor cat's life a living hell. 

As he laid down half naked on the sofa, Shen felt slightly annoyed by the fact that Zhao never helped making food. However he quickly pushed the feeling away, when he reminded himself of how disasterous the wicked man would be in the kitchen. Besides... Shen had come to love the sight of Zhao laying ever so lazy on the couch flashing his toned torso. He undoubtly did it on purpose and Shen knew it was game over as soon as he eyed the handsome devil in human disguise. 

Though he tried to not making it obvius, Zhao must have had some seventh sence because he suddenly rose from the couch walking confident and proud towards Shen, who tried to hide his blushing. 

"Caught you," Zhao whispered in his ear. He stood almost too close for Shen to feel comfortable in the small kitchen, yet Zhao didn't seem to care. 

"Just leave the food. Let me feed you."  His smooth taking instantly made Shen's knees into jelly and if it wasn't for the table in front of him and Zhao behind, he would have just turned into a puddle of happiness on the floor. And he wasn't sure he would be able to get up again. 

" Wait, I have to finish this. Aren't you hungr-"

Zhao gently sucked Shen's earlope, clearing his mind from words and sending a shiver down his spine. His hands found their way to Shen's stomach tucking him even closer. 

"Yes," he growled, now kissing his way down Shen's neck till he reached one of his favorit spots, the soft angle connecting his neck and shoulders. He nibbled the flesh and left a hickey which he proudly kissed. Shen had closed his eyes, for once letting himself enjoy Zhao. He felt how his body reacted and the increasing tightness in his pants, responding to Zhao's equal excitement. 

Zhao took the knife from Shen's hands and put it safely on the table and Shen turned around. The hunger within him was almost unbearable and Zhao was the only one who could satisfy him.  He cupped Zhao's face and pressed his lips against the soft yet firm ones in front of him, not leaving room for any of them to catch their breath. The extraordinary feeling sent waves of shock through his entire exsistense and happiness blossomed within him, spreading warmth and life within his body. He wanted Zhao more than anything and oh was he jealous of those who even dared looking at Zhao.

"Hey baby, you're shaking," Zhao whispered, holding Shen close, as if he was as fragile as a antique porcelain vase. Desperate, Shen hugged him as if his life depended on it, but he couldn't make himself say what he feared the most. He closed his eyes and let himself be embraced and cared about, trying not to let the pain of 'what ifs' disturb him. However, Zhao instantly knew what Shen was going though and whispered, "No matter what ever happens, I'm always gonna be there for you. I don't leave you alone for even a second."

He somehow felt the "but" laying on Shen's tongue, cause he continued, "I'll never be interested in anyone but you. And if you still don't believe me, then ask that darn fat cat. He is a pain in the ass but honest as hell." 

Shen couldn't help but smile at that. He knew Zhao wouldn't leave him for anything, but still the mere though of it was enough to paralyze him.

Just as he was about to say some thing, Zhao grabbed his buttocks and squeezed them. Not ready for that kind of embarrasing gesture, Shen yelped and blushed even harder. Zhao laughed at Shen's perplexed look, "You look so damn cute, I would die for you." 

'That's what I'm afraid of,' Shen thought, but let madman ride his train to eternal and completely well-deserved catastrophy. There was no savning for this man and Shen would personally be the one to deliver a long awaited package of punishment. 

They had completely forgotten all about the dinner that Shen had prepared for Zhao and instead Shen lifted up Zhao, carrying him bridalstyle into the bedroom. Zhao out his arms aroumd Shen's Beck, and teased him, "Is my lovely wife going to give me a delicious meal tonight?" 

However, he hasn't expected the look in Shen's eyes that he received. His eyes glowed dangerously and the only word repeated in his mind was revenge. Pure revenge. 

No one! No one grabs The Mighty Ghost Slayer's buttocks! Not even this adorable human trashbag Zhao! 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2020 ⏰

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