Chapter 1 - Awake

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Something black and furry rubbed along Zhao Yunlan's legs and on up to his arms. Zhao Yunlan wrinkled his brows, but did not open his eyes.

Shit! His whole body ached and it felt as if he had been beaten, run over by a truck and then pierced with a thousand needles.

He tried to open his eyes, but even that seemed to be an almost impossible task.

It took a few times before he finally managed to move his eyelids just a little up, but it was just enough for him to be able to look up in a couple of cat eyes worried staring down at him.

"HE IS FINALLY AWAKE! "Shouted Da Qing hysterically and made Yunlan pinch his eyes together - all his efforts wasted.

There suddenly was a lot of steps, and everyone from SID hurried to the bed where Yunlan lay.

"Hey, fatty ... quiet down a little ..." he said irritated, mouth dry, but Da Qing did not care what he was saying.

The cat jumped excitedly on the bed and nudged him with it's paw.

Once again, Yunlan opened his eyes, this time he succeeded without trouble and he almost got a shock when he saw all SID members standing bent over him.

"Chief Zhao!! " Guo ChangCheng howled, standing at the end of the bed. "You are finally awake." Chu Shuzhi shook his head in annoyance, and handed the young man some napkins so he could wipe away the snot.

"We have been so worried about you. "Sniffed Zhu Hong, and Yunlan could see tears gathering in her eye hooks. Before she also broke into tears Lao Chu handed her a few napkins while he rolled his eyes. Lin Jing stood nervously behind them.

Yunlan looked around and laughed, even though it hurt in his chest and stomach, "You should see yourself ... ha ha ... you won't get rid of me so easily huh ... ha ha ..."

But his laughter died quickly. There was something missing. Or rather, someone was missing.

The nagging feeling he'd had since he woke grew bigger and became panic. As he could not spot a pair of brown eyes behind round glasses, he quickly sat up, but the movement caused a wave of pain to roll throughout his body and made made him enter a galaxy of stars.

Zhu Hong quickly grabbed and supported him. Afraid he shook his head and slowly got sight back.

Shen Wei ... it all came back; Ye Zun who swallowed his beloved Shen Wei. The blood. The despair.

Shakingly he took hold of Zhu Hong's arm, and did not even realise how hard he grabbed her arm. His eyes burned with unshed tears when he shouted, "Where is Shen Wei?"

Horrified, she stared at him with wide eyes, but did not know  what to say, so she looked at Lao Chu for help.

A hard knot grew in Yunlan's stomach when she did not say anything. Oh God...! Please do not say it was true! Shen Wei was ...

The expression in Lao Chu's eyes was not to be mistaken. How would he live on now ...?

"Professor Shen has gotten better. Right now he is in Dixing to take care of some important things. "Said Chu calmly.

Yunlan stopped. He dared not believe what he heard. "What did you say? "He whispered.

"Your professor is fine. He will be back to you soon enough. "

Lao Chu could no longer keep a smile back and laughed out loud when Yunlan looked stupidly up at him.

"Who is it now to see themselves? "He roared with laughter and slapped his thigh.

Yunlan, who still did not fully understand, felt the hope slowly replace grief, but then he realised that they had been fooling him.

Angrily he threw his pillow after Chu, who could not stop laughing. Even Guo could not keep a big smile back. Yunlan made a mental note to himself to deduct them their bonuses.


"Chief Zhao, take it easy, you are still not completely well ..." Zhu Hong tried desperately to get Yunlan to be lying in bed, but it did not seem that he would listen. Carefully he swung his legs over the edge of the bed and felt the floor beneath his bare feet.

He had obediently stayed in bed for the first couple of hours after he had awakened, but now his patience was almost used up. If he did not do anything soon, he would become insane.

Helplessly Hong watched, while Yunlan with uncertain movements got up and took a few steps. His legs felt like they weighed several tons, but he was determined to go for a walk around the apartment.

"Da Qing! "He shouted and wavered. "Where are my slippers? "

Da Qing sprinted over to him and climbed under the bed to push slightly dusty slippers out.

The cat hissed and jumped onto bed. If it was not because it felt sorry for Yunlan, it would have pushed the slippers longer under the bed, just to annoy him.

From the couch, Lao Chu and Guo watched their boss, who slowly moved around, stop to stretch his sore body, and then continue on his way around.

He stopped up in front of them and watched them play cards. It seemed that Lao Chu won  sovereignly, since  the young man was hanging with his head and looked down at his cards with despair.

Yunlan took a quick look at his card and patted Guo on his head, then he went over to Chu and bent down to see his cards. "Guo has two hearts five. "

Chu smiled devilishly when Yunlan revealed Guo's cards.

"Chief Zhao! "Guo complained and handed Chu the cards. "It is not fair! "

"You did not have a chance anyway, stupid." Da Qing teased from the bed. Guo bowed his head with shame.

Yunlan looked at the clock, the seconds slowly passed by as if the time was aware of him waiting for someone. He sighed and started opening a lollipop.

When he asked if they had heard any news from Shen Wei, the only answer he received was pitying looks, after which they assured him that the professor had promised to return quickly.

With a heavy heart Yunlan stared out the window as he longingly waited for the love of his life to return to him.

Sorry for my gramma errors guys, but I hope you find the first chapter interesting.
Let me know in the comments :)

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