Chapter 16 - In silence

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Sprawling on the bed, Zhao burried his face in his pillow, shamelessly so as he on purpose shut out the two visitors that didn't seem to leave soon. In fact, Da Qing persistently continued to play chess with Ye Zun, while Shen Wei sat on the couch cross-legged while reading a book. Or so he pretended: it was too embarrassing to even lift his head, and with the images of Zhao's begging face lingering before his eyes, he certainly cound not focus on the text.

"Checkmate!" Ye Zun announced and looked viciously at the fuming cat, who seemed to be out of options to escape. After a minute with intense thinking, Da Qing gave up and laid his King down in surrender for the seventh time. 

"I see why Zhao had such a difficult time trying to catch you," Da Qing mumbled, "You are good at stragety."

Ye Zun smiled at the praise, but was at the same time a bit embarrassed by the cat's first remark. "Want to play one more time?"

Da Qing eyed Zhao Yunlan at the corner of his eyes and smirked. Why not continue paining the pervert for some more time? Plus, he had come to like spending time with Ye Zun. Another game wouldn't hurt, even if he was to lose again.

As Zhao heard what he feared the most, he cried internally, wanting to throw out the chess-board and the two annoying players. His body still itched with unwanted energy, well... not that he minded it if he was all alone with his professor...

His patience quickly got used up as the minutes went by, and when Ye Zun asked Da Qing if he wanted some tea while playing, Zhao finally had enough. He threw away his blanket and pillow into some corner of the room not minding where and collected his jacket on one of the kitchen chairs and left the flat, followed by the surprised stares of Da Qing, Ze Yun and Shen Wei.

With large and quick steps Zhao went down the stairs and out into the fresh evening air and took a path down to some of the nearby parks. His steps grew quicker and quicker, until he ran as fast as he could alongside the river that connected the parks. Now that the fat fuq and his brother-in-law had taken the pleasure to rest easily at his flat, he simply had no other choice than to run out the enery that made his every cell vibrate after the wanted touch of his lover. 

Back at home, Shen Wei had forgotten about his embarrassment and put his book down. It was his first time seeing Zhao react like that, so he was really worried if his beloved idiot would get himself into some trouble leaving like that. 

Without a word, he rushed after Zhao in the same manner, now leaving behind a very confused Ye Zun and a cat who had a hard time restraining his laughter.

Shen Wei sensed Zhao's position and transported himself to the park in a cloud of dark mist, and grabbed Zhao's arm, as he was just running past him, "What are you doing?" 

Zhao halted and tried to catch his breath, as he really had pressed his body to it's limits. He decided that running wasn't his type of thing the instant small dots began appearing before his eyes, assembling a tiny universe.

"You fool, take it easy!" Shen Wei scolded, as Zhao's balance for a second stopped working and made him stumble into the professor.

"Don't press yourself that hard. You are all soaked with sweat. If you don't watch out, you will catch a cold." Shen Wei said worried when he felt Zhao's wet clothes and hot skin. 

"I like your nagging," Zhao said and laughed. His anger had disappeared the moment Shen Wei came to him, "I'm fine, I just needed to burn out the energy. My body is all fired up."

Shen Wei laughed and embraced Zhao, not minding him being soaked in sweat. "Hey, don't get wet too-"

"I don't care," Shen Wei said and hugged him even tighter. 

By the time they came home, both Ye Zun and Da Qing was fast asleep on the couch in the livingroom. The cat rested on Ye Zun's stomach while being curled up into a small ball of fur. The clock on Zhao's nightstand showed almost midnight, as he and Shen Wei had been sitting on a bench in the park and just relaxed in the presence of each other. 

Shen Wei had talked about his morning classes and how fund of his students he were. With his professor talking so passionately about his work, Zhao always wished he was one of his students. All kinds of scenarios popped up in his mind: them kissing passionately in the classroom after everybody left, him visiting Shen Wei during every break in his office to make out... his train of perverted thought went on and only got more and more hot, until Shen Wei snapped his fingers in front of him and brought him out of a perfect fantasy, "Wipe your mouth." Shen Wei  had said and dared not imagine what the Chief had imagined.

Zhao stared evilly at the sleeping duo. With them in his apartment ment that he could not do what he wanted with Shen Wei, but as he dressed into his pajamas, he couldn't stop chuckling for himself. There wouldn't be any problem with having some fun as long as they could stay silent, right?

Shen Wei stood beside the bed taking his glasses of, when Zhao came out from the bathroom. He didn't see him coming, so when Zhao suddenly pushed them down on the soft mattress, he was about to gasp, but Zhao was quick to conceal it with his lips. 

Taken aback by Zhao's sudden attack and the fact that they were not alone, left Shen Wei in a state of confusion and delight, as Zhao pressed his soft and sweet lips against his in such a hungry and begging way that ignited his entire being.

He snug his arms around the man above him and tugged him closer, hungry for more. Their lips moved around, exploring every inch of skin. Shen Wei felt his body arouse as his hunger for Zhao grew the more he touched him, to the point where he felt almost feverish. Zhao felt the same and could be the time no longer ignore the fact that another part of him wanted to take part in the love-making. He looked down and saw Shen's member show the same kind of desperation for attention, as it had created a tight tent with his pants right under Zhao's erect member. 

Carefully he snug his hand in Shen Wei's pants and took his swollen member, but even the gentle touch made Shen Wei stiffen and suck harder on Zhao's neck than intended. As he suppressed a moan, he grabbed Zhao around his wrist to stop him stroking his member, "Are you insane? We are not alone!"

Zhao just smiled reassuring and took away Shen's hand and slowly started massaging his throbbing member, leading Shen into a world of intense pleasure. Zhao shifted between stroking him fast and slow, making it hard for Shen not to moan as waves of pleasure kept rolling over him. 

Seeing Shen in such a state of delight, Zhao couldn't help but fall for him further, eventhough he thought it impossible to love this man even more than he did. He took Shen's hand and guided it to his own member and pressed his palm against it, "Feel me," Zhao whispered, "Feel what you do to me."

Shen Wei met Zhao's breathtaking gaze and kissed him deeply while caressing him. They moved their hands in a synchronized tempo, faster and faster, until they released at the same time. Shen's lips didn't part from Zhao's as he was afraid to let out any sound. 

When they calmed down a bit, Zhao looked at him lovingly, "You are so cute trying not to make a sound," Zhao chuckled, and gently bit Shen Wei's earlope, "What am I to do without you?" He said and kissed his plump lips, sneaking in his tongue to once again taste the sweetness of the man he held so dear.

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