Chapter 11 - Sweet dreams

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Hi there Guardians <3 Sorry the long wait, but I've been working my butt off at the hospital and studying right after. Finally I got some spare time to write you guys a new chapter.



Darkness. An overwhelming darkness surrounded Shen Wei and it seemed endless. He turned around but no soul was in sight, not even the tiniest wind came across him.

All alone he began wandering in complete blindness, yet his feet somehow new their way on an unseen path towards the unknown.

Normally, Shen Wei wasn't afraid of the dark because he had always considered himself as the living darkness, destined to be all by himself. But this time he felt scared and uneasy feelings tense him up, and he never felt as alone as he did now.

"Who are you?", An unfamiliar voice echoed through the emptiness, sounding accusing and demanding at the same time.

Shen Wei abruptly stopped, the words pierced right through his mind, making him shiver.

Who was he? He was nothing but a shadow lurking aimlessly around, wishing for something that could never be his. He was a nobody, tricking himself into thinking that he belonged in the human world, deserving love and attention from the one who had captured his heart and soul long time ago.

But he was nothing but an intruder, he realized so deep in sorrow that even shedding tears seemed pointless.

Wandering in what felt like hours, he suddenly felt the ground beneath him shake and with a big rumble, it disappeared under him. Falling down into the hole, he blindly grabbed into thin air. Falling several meters he finally grabbed what felt like a wooden stick and held tightly onto it, dangling dangerously over the endless hole.

"WHO ARE YOU?" this time the question came with a deafening force, almost making Shen Wei lose his grip.


Having to strength to defend himself, Shen Wei was ready to let go and fall into the unknown. With a shaking voice, he defeated began answering, "I... I am no..."

"Xiao Wei,"

A warm and delicate voice interrupted him, sweeping around his body and soul. Unlike the penetrating harsh voice that kept asking the same question again and again, this was like honey, sweet and addicting.

"Let go, come to me"

Mesmerized, Shen Wei let go of the stick that saved him from falling, without second thought. He knew that voice, the only one that spoke to him.

He was lifted from the emptiness towards a meadow with high and proud trees and blooming flowers of all colors, their calming smell getting mixed with that of fresh grass.

"Xiao Wei," two strong hands embraced him from behind,. "What took you so long? I missed you so much."

Recognizing the voice, Shen Wei turned. With wide eyes he stared at the face which he adored so much. Lost for words he wasn't able to utter a single word, but his heart uverfloded with tons af emotions. After a few attempts, he finally cried, "Kunlun," and couldn't help but embrace the god tightly, like a child hugging his favorite teddy.

For a minute Kunlun was surprised by Shen Wei, but then let out a bubbly laughter, "Why are you acting like you haven't seen me for ages? I've been by your side all the time, you beautiful fool!"

Shen Wei didn't answer, but buried his face in the crook of Kunlun's perfectly formed neck, his body trembling with suppressed fear. 

Somehow Kunlun knew what Shen Wei was going through, and gently pushed him a few inches away, only enough to look into the two black orbs that shined back at him, and their noses almost touched.

"Don't be afraid anymore," Kunlun said whoæe caressing Shen's cheek, "I will always be there for you no matter what. So don't try and act recklessly on your own, carrying the whole world on your shoulders."

He then placed a kiss on his red trembling lips, closing the promise. Shen Wei pressed his lips against Kunlun's, hungry for more, as the god held him tight. 

Moving their lips against each other, Kunlun stuck his tongue inbetween Sheen's lips and roamed inside his mouth in an endless search for something, without asking for entrance.

Shen Wei gladly let him and took the opportunity to do the same, and their tongues mated in a dance displaying their love and affection towards one another, only stopping to get some air.

Suddenly, Shen felt his back pressed against a tree and Kunlun standing so close to him, leaving to space between them.

Chuckling, Kunlun nipped gently Shen's right earlope, "I can feel your excitement, my little Ghost," he teasingly moved his hips in seducing circles on Shen's erection, "You can't resist me."

He watched as Shen's face blushed from light pink to deep red in the matter of seconds.

He is exactly as perverted as his human reincarnation! Shen Wei  thought, but had to surrender. There was no way he could resist Kunlun, but he was too shy to admit it. 

Not breaking the eye contact, Kunlun took Shen's hand and guided it down towards his own erection, pressing his hand against it, "Touch me," he whispered, "Can you feel it? I always long for you. Your touch. This is all for you alone."

Speechless, Shen didn't know how to reach but to kiss Kunlun even deeper and more passionate than ever, trying to convert his feeling and unspoken words into this intimate action. His hand started massaging Kunlun's erected member through his green traditional clothing. The silky fabric made the friction smooth and easy.

Kunlun moaned as Shen's long fingers stroke him, guiding him into a heaven of pleasure. Wild for more he cupped his hands around Shen's buttcheeks and squeezed them, "You'll be the death of me " he hissed into Shen's ear.

He slid his hands in Shen's pants and wrapped his fingers around his throbbing member, guiding Shen towards his climax. He was just about to release -

"Having a wet dream?" Zhao's voice suddenly brought him out of his dreams and his eyes shot open, only to meet Zhao's mischievous gaze, as he laid on his side, half elevated on the arm with his hand supporting his head. 

"Shut up, you perverted (old) freak!" Shen shouted and turned away, covering himself completely under the blanket.

"I guess it was some wild, mouthwatering sex, huh? Tell me about it." Zhao poked to Shen Wei, who embarrassed hid under the blanket, unwilling to answer.

"Tell me~" Zhao begged teasingly as he moved to sit on top on Shen, determined to annoy him until he had every detail of the dream told.

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